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Sulawesi freshwater fauna survey


21 Aug 2008
Wasn't sure where to put this (apologies if it's been shared already) but whilst researching, I came across the Sulawesi Keepers site, dedicated to the freshwater fauna of, obviously, Sulawesi. As part of their drive to establish what species are being kept and bred in aquaria they have this small survey which takes less than 5 mins. If you keep any freshwater fauna from Sulawesi, they'd like you to participate, including shrimp, crabs, fish and snails.
Sulawesi Keepers Survey
A great project which could turn out to be an amazing conservation resource. But I guess like many other similar projects it doesn't mean much unless they can also protect habitat from the likes of deforestation, agriculture, and mining.
They seem to have some great sponsors and backers to that end. I think the survey may be as much about raising awareness as collecting data; the survey being shared on fora such as this means they get that bit more exposure for the conservation work. From what I read, many habitats are beyond protection now in Sulawesi. The flowerhorn cichlid has already wiped out several species since its introduction so much of what they seem to be doing is conserving the species they can before they're totally gone.