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  • Most of the remaining team are off on holiday meaning the forum does not have sufficient cover. As such the site will be placed in maintenance mode where it can be viewed but no posts/threads can be made and will remain this way until August 11th, apologies for the inconvience.

Takashi Amano lecture and workshop in Aarhus, Denmark

Hey guys, yes we'll all be visiting Tropica, I spoke to Troels the other week and he says it'll be "an open house" :thumbup:
Dan Crawford said:
Hey guys, yes we'll all be visiting Tropica, I spoke to Troels the other week and he says it'll be "an open house" :thumbup:
Paulo if you were looking for an excuse this is it, very much doubt that it will get better than this. 🙂 unless we find a pub that will give us drinks for free. Lol

ghostsword said:
Paulo if you were looking for an excuse this is it, very much doubt that it will get better than this. 🙂 unless we find a pub that will give us drinks for free. Lol
I have now cancelled my leave so I won't be making the trip, hope you all enjoy it. Things are looking pretty crap for November weekend 19/20th too... oh well can't have everything, work before pleasure at the moment!
LondonDragon said:
ghostsword said:
Paulo if you were looking for an excuse this is it, very much doubt that it will get better than this. 🙂 unless we find a pub that will give us drinks for free. Lol
I have now cancelled my leave so I won't be making the trip, hope you all enjoy it. Things are looking pretty crap for November weekend 19/20th too... oh well can't have everything, work before pleasure at the moment!

Sorry to hear that mate.. 🙁 There are times that business takes 1st priority. 🙁 I am lucky that I managed to book holidays for those periods. Also booking January to go to Hanover.
No Gala dinner for me either, better get drunk somewhere local 😀
I suggest we make a list of who is going.
People I know so far are going from London stansted are:


We have rented a car so if the remaining guys add to the list you can get a second car. Also all 6 of us are staying at the same hotel. See you soon.
Piece-of-fish said:
No Gala dinner for me either, better get drunk somewhere local 😀
I suggest we make a list of who is going.
People I know so far are going from London stansted are:


We have rented a car so if the remaining guys add to the list you can get a second car. Also all 6 of us are staying at the same hotel. See you soon.

I'm in for the full monty ... but stayin at venue :crazy: with luis :?:

Billypete said:
Piece-of-fish said:
No Gala dinner for me either, better get drunk somewhere local 😀
I suggest we make a list of who is going.
People I know so far are going from London stansted are:


We have rented a car so if the remaining guys add to the list you can get a second car. Also all 6 of us are staying at the same hotel. See you soon.

I'm in for the full monty ... but stayin at venue :crazy: with luis :?:


Are you all flying with RyanAir?

These are my flight details:
From London-Stansted (STN) to Aarhus (AAR)
Fri, 21Oct11 Flight FR 712 Depart STN at 07:25 and arrive AAR at 10:05
ghostsword said:
Hi Pete, I booked an hotel.. 🙂 The Cabin, but if the atmosphere is nice at the venue I might stay there. 🙂

Oh dear ... looks like I'm on my own :shock: if you'd told me BEFORE i'd told the other half i could stay for £8+ ( including breakfast ! ) i might have been able to join you 🙁

On same flight out but coming back Monday morning ... didn't fancy the long drive back to s.wales on my own at that time of the morning 😳
Tony Swinney said:
Dan, Edi, Mark and I definitely are on that flight, and the 10pm return on the Sunday night 🙂

cool, a nice crowd there and back, I'm also on the 10pm flight back. 🙂

Sorry bout the hotel Pete, but managed to save enough money for a hotel, hard times but managed to get one. 🙂

London people include me now. So it's

Gerard (me)

I am on the Stansted flights same as everyone else. Any ideas how we are getting to the venue from the airport in Aarhus? Where are you guys renting a car? Denmark? Should be fun.