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Tonys 'Triassic Hollow' 420L - Now FOR SALE !

Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day2

Stunning on all counts, Tony.

I will now have to admit that I considered your Peacocks Crypt scape so inspiring that it was set as desktop bkgd on my 24" when you uploaded it. I just realized that you did that on june 22, 2009. 😉 Almost a year, Mate... It looks like I will have to change it soon though. 😉

Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day2

absolutely amazing :shock: .
i was about to rescape my 200ltr,but feel like giving up now :lol: .
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day2

Thanks guys 🙂 Nice screensaver keymaker, let me know if you want a hires file to replace it with :lol:

Never give up Neil 🙂

I've just replanting a few floaters - some glosso and hydrocotyle that had lifted up. Other than that so far so good. I'll do a big water change tomorrow, and should get the replacement heater too so I can warm it up 🙂

Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day2

sanj said:
Im kinda struggling with mine, most of it recycled stuff...oh well, will persevere

Perseverence is the only way - I struggled with this for 6 weeks before reaching this arrangement :crazy:

So the end of Day3, and a few new snaps. The fine leaf indian fern is struggling a bit, with some leaves yellowing and appearing to shrivel up a bit. Both parrot feathers are doing OK, with new growth evident already 🙂 The glosso and hydrocotyle seems to look a bit 'fresher' today, except for those floaters that the koralias have tried to swallow up :lol:

The new heater should be here tomorrow so i can bring the temperature back up, its only 18ºC in there right now, which cant be helping things.

A few pics from tonight...




Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4

You're forcing me to wipe my jaw off the table every couple of days now :lol: Utterly brilliant!
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4

chilled84 said:
whats the plants in the middle that looks like a fern, its real nice and i would like some of that. What is it?
Its the new tropica plant Hygrophila pinnatifida,got a couple of pots myself, great looking plant which lookes ever better when the leaves are fully grown.
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4

what back ground are you going to be putting on it tony? (or are you leaving it bare) i think a frosted back ground would look awsome on this! :thumbup:
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4

sanj said:
I think the pinnatifida works well with the Jurassic image. The stone is fossilised wood isnt it.

Thanks Paulo 🙂 Yep its pinnatifida and has the fern like look to it that I wanted for this setup. ANd yes, its fossilised wood form TGM.

glenn said:
what back ground are you going to be putting on it tony? (or are you leaving it bare) i think a frosted back ground would look awsome on this! :thumbup:

Hi Glenn. I've got a frosted background ready for it, but I'm going to try a black background first - I think it might look really nice with the plants and the shoal of fish that are going in.

Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4


Firstly, really love the sharpness and detail in this photo, if i didnt know what i was looking it it would be hard to put a scale on it.

Most importantly, how good does it look planted, I have to admit to being concerned for you when it came to the planting as you had done such and exceptional job with the hardscape. I really like your selection of plants, i hope you good at pruning though, as the Glosso and the Hydrocotyle will keep you busy! 😀
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day2

I also wondered if the planting would be able to match the exceptional hardscape, but it looks like you nailed it.

Tonser said:
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4

LondonDragon said:
chilled84 said:
whats the plants in the middle that looks like a fern, its real nice and i would like some of that. What is it?
Its the new tropica plant Hygrophila pinnatifida,got a couple of pots myself, great looking plant which lookes ever better when the leaves are fully grown.
Hygrophila pinnatifida
who stocks this?
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4

I think AE's do too, I understand Samc got his from pets at home.
Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4

Looks amazing, loving the primitive idea. I've gone and ordered some Hygrophila pinnatifida now from TGM, cheers for drawing it to my attention. Looking forward to seeing how this grows out.

Best Regards,