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Tropic_John's Lo-Tech 10US Gallon


21 Aug 2009
Hey everyone, I've decided to join this forum after falling out with another, and I am becoming more and more interested in planted tanks anyway.

So, lets cut to the chase;

I currently have two 10US Gallon tanks; one has vile pink gravel and multi-coloured castle [oh what you do to keep family happy, eh?] and an identical 10US Gallon tank with natural gravel, some mapleleaf rocks and some limnophilia [still trying to id]

I'm a complete newb to all planted tanks stuff... tabs, co2, dosing, etc.. So I will hopefully gain enough knowledge and turn one of my tanks into a masterpiece.

:text-welcomewave: welcome to the forum! :wave: :wave: :wave:
you will find lots of helpful articles on the forum, a few under 'Articles' on the bar at the top of the page, and many others as stickys atached to their appropriate section.
good luck :thumbup: :thumbup:
Well, I've been reading through some stickied topics and also through the ''Setting A 'Higher' Planted Tank Up'' and I must say, they have answered loads of questions and have actually made me want to start a hi tech planted. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: