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UK slate and moss in tropical tank


17 Apr 2009

Out walking today I stumbled (quite literally) upon a nice little piece of granite that I thought would fit perfectly in my nano tank that I was planning to setup with some shrimp. I also then discovered some local moss growing on a fallen tree stump half submerged in a stream.

Thus I have a couple of questions.

1. Should (and if so, how) I treat the granite and moss before creating a tank from it?
2. Will UK cold water based moss grow submerged in a tropical tank?


Hi all,
Should (and if so, how) I treat the granite
You don't really need to treat them at all. With the granite it would be worth checking that it doesn't have any veins of iron pyrites, but other than that it is totally inert.
2. Will UK cold water based moss grow submerged in a tropical tank?
It may do, Calliergonella cuspidata <Calliergonella cuspidata - Flowgrow Aquatic Plant Database>, Fontinalis antipyretica <All Aquatic Plants - Flowgrow Aquatic Plant Database> and Leptodictyum riparium <All Aquatic Plants - Flowgrow Aquatic Plant Database> are all UK mosses that I've tried that grow in submersed in warm water.

There are others listed as well, (Amblystegium serpens, Drepanocladus aduncus) that I haven't tried.

cheers Darrel
2. Will UK cold water based moss grow submerged in a tropical tank?

Just try them and see. I picked up 4 mosses from a stream while on holiday. The giant willow moss I could identify and is doing fine. Two died in my low tech tank and the last is barely hanging on. However, the samples in a shallow tub on the windowsill are all surviving.
Not sure if this will work:


This is the moss. It's actualy a lot tougher than I expected.... quite tree like in the stem.
Any ideas on what it is an how I should plant/grow/propogate it?

Currently just sitting int that bowl in a sunny window
Ah..... it certainly does look like that and you described pretty much the exact location of where I found it. Shame it won't survive.
