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UKAPS BBQ 2009 @ Dan Crawford's - Photos

Steve Smith

19 Jul 2007
Wellesbourne, UK.
Some photos taken so far. More will be posted as the day progresses, depending on alcohol consumpiton 😉

All the items for the scape-off and ferts/plants to auction off:

Hardscape to be used in the scape off:


LondonDragon (Paulo), John Starkey and Dan Crawford:

Me and Paulo sorting out the technology:
look at all that gear,no excuses, looking for some serious aquascaping here today 😀 (just to add some pressure)
SteveUK said:

thats the biggest gravel foreground i've ever seen! :lol:

can you tell mr starkey, i won my section with 46lb of carp and we won the team event tit was a gruler :? raising just over £2000 for charity!

Garuf said:
I thought this was next weekend?! :shock:

I've just got home after a rather delicate 1 hour drive...

I think it's safe to say everyone had a super time! What could be better that meeting up with like-minded enthusiasts to discuss and get hands-on what we all love so much?

Personally I'd like to thank everyone that came and for making the event such a success.

Huge thanks to Dan for hosting the event and I have to mention Steve, who was legendary on the BBQ and tidying up!
What a guy!

The 'scape off was a great success with the winning layout looking brilliant! One lucky winner got to go home with it all set up!

Everyone came away with some goodies but more importantly, it was a fantastic opportunity to build on current friendships and develop new ones...

We were graced with a surprise visitor at about 8pm, and this was Dan's reaction...


I post a complete set of photos (including the 'scape off entries, Dan's tank/pond, UKAPS members, etc.) when my brain is working properly...
Absolutely superb day - we had such a great time. I only wish we could have tried for the ukaps5 - did anyone make it? We got the tank home in surprisingly good shape - I was panicking with every bump in the road and roundabout - but it arrive home looking pretty much the same. Leigh has been staring into it from all angles - he's absolutely delighted with it, so thank you.

I think that we're going to leave it a while before it actually gets set up properly. We're going to have to get a stand, filter and lights - so we'll do it in stages. Don't worry though - I'm going to take out some of the less interesting plants in my tank (I can't remember who it was who mentioned 'his and hers' tanks - but here we are!) and replace them with the plants we took last night. We can sort out a set for 'his' tank once we've got the bits we need. Honest - I didn't coerce him into handing over his new plants, but it would be a dreadful shame for them to go to waste.......... 😛

Will they be OK until tomorrow night though? They're currently in the main tank but unplanted - I'm feeling a little delicate and not very creative!

Again - thanks for a wonderful day. We really hope that we can get together with you all soon!
Hi all,

i just want thank dan for hosting this event i really enjoyed it,unfortunatley i had to leave early because my dear old mum isnt too good,she will be in hospital for a few days,
unfortunaley i had left when my buddy g,man turned up (gutted i missed him)but i will be up to tgm very soon,

once again thanks to dan,and thanks to caroline and leigh for the ride in the z4 awesome,also it was great to meet new faces.
regards john.
My first UKAPS meet and it was great, we nice to get chatting to everyone and it wasn't just fish stuff haha
Was great to meet the guys/gal behind the nicks and what a bunch of great people we have here, thanks to Dan for hosting the event, picking me up from the station and being such a great host, and thanks to Tony for dopping me off at the station at the end of the day, and not forgetting Steve for bringing me the opti nano, still trying to decide what to do with it hehe

All in all the first of I hope many meets that we will do in the future, everyone was so down to earth and great characters, very much enjoyed the day 🙂

LondonDragon said:
My first UKAPS meet and it was great, we nice to get chatting to everyone and it wasn't just fish stuff haha
Was great to meet the guys/gal behind the nicks and what a bunch of great people we have here, thanks to Dan for hosting the event, picking me up from the station and being such a great host, and thanks to Tony for dopping me off at the station at the end of the day, and not forgetting Steve for bringing me the opti nano, still trying to decide what to do with it hehe

All in all the first of I hope many meets that we will do in the future, everyone was so down to earth and great characters, very much enjoyed the day 🙂


lookin gforward to the nano 😛

well done on the video hosting too 🙂
I've got to say what an excellent day, it was great to meet new faces, and thanks to Dan for holding the event.

I've also got to say thanks to Steve (for his cooking, and meat on a stick) and Paulo (for his live feed), and a big thank you too the sponsors for there generosity.
Nice one Dan for the BBQ, glad i got there, even if i did miss every one. Your reaction was overwhelming to say the least.

So gutted I missed you John, and Paulo, maybe next time. Nice to meet you Ed ( TDI line ) and nice to see Tony, Caroline and Leigh.

Well, for me, better late than ever. I had to drive the 2 hour drive for my brother Crawford.
If anyone managed to use the big rock next to the deck chair in the scape off ill eat my nano 😛
are pics of the 'scape-off' up on the site anywhere?
Oh man, what a tit, I just got back from the station getting a refund on my tickets. Can't believe I got it so wrong.