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UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010, Germany

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

The Interzoo is a massive international pet trade exhibition held every two years in Nuremberg, Germany.

http://www.interzoo.com/en/default.ashx" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

To give you an idea how big it is check out the list of exhibitors -

http://www.interzoo.com/en/exhibitorsproducts/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Dan Crawford and I were already planning to go along, as photojournalists for PFK, and also as consultants with Roy Devani, director of Unipac.

Then recently came some very exciting news….

Dan and I have been invited to design, plant and display an aquascape, to be featured on Tropica’s infamous exhibit.

It is Tropica’s 40th Birthday and to celebrate they are putting on a very special show. Some of may have seen photos from previous years' exhibits, and they were very impressive to say the least.

As part of the Tropica exhibit, The Green Machine and Oliver Knott are also showing aquascapes.

All the aquariums used will be 120x50x45cm (similar dimensions to the Oliver Knott display tank @ TGM) and made from acrylic that has better clarity than opti-white glass!

The tanks are to be set up quite soon, grown on by ourselves for a couple of months, then specially-shipped to Germany to Oliver Knott’s home, where they are going to be grown on further and maintained by Oliver.

Oliver lives locally to Nuremberg so the final trip with the aquariums should be relatively straightforward. The acrylic makes them much, much lighter than the glass equivalent.

This is the biggest honour UKAPS has had so far and it is a wonderful opportunity to launch the Society as a group of serious, positive, and forward-thinking enthusiasts on a truly international scale.

Tropica have been approached by many other international aquatic plant/aquascaping forums but they chose UKAPS, as they consider we best represent the future of the hobby.

Tropica also chose The Green Machine as they consider they best represent the future of the planted aquarium retail sector.

Needless to say we are very excited indeed and intend to do UKAPS very proud.
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

oh wow. this sounds amazing George!
Congrat for you guys i bet this is a nice challenge for both of you. i really like the fact that companies started to support aquascaping and they ask help from its pioneers finally.

Shipping tank to Germany isn't sound easy. So fingers crossed this will work out smoothly.

Interzoo will be huge we may could meet there 😀
Can not wait to see the final tank at Interzoo next year. 😀

Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

wow! what a great honour chaps, well done. Im sure youll do ukaps proud!

Wouldnt fancy shipping a planted tank all the way to germany though! Would the subsrate be at rick of sliding on such a big tank or are there ways around it?
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

That's just crazy! As I understand it, Interzoo is a trade show, but am I right in saying members of the public can go too?

Congrats guys. It shows that, as a society, the only way is up! It will certainly help the society's profile too 🙂

Edit - Just read on the site that's it is trade only. Shame, I fancied a trip to Germany 😀
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

SteveUK said:
That's just crazy! As I understand it, Interzoo is a trade show, but am I right in saying members of the public can go too?

Congrats guys. It shows that, as a society, the only way is up! It will certainly help the society's profile too 🙂

Edit - Just read on the site that's it is trade only. Shame, I fancied a trip to Germany 😀

Steve, if you have some connection to the shops they may have some invitation which you could use. Worth a try.
But only trade you're right.
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

Thanks, guys!

One of the first questions I asked was about shipping a planted-up tank all that way. Apparently Tropica are very experienced with such things and I'm assured that it will be fine.

Worst case scenario we send Oliver photos of the tank before we send it, and if it's a disaster he can fix it over the three months! :lol:
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

This is going to be awesome but a real challenge at the same time. It's going to be a great experience whatever happens and i'm truly honored to have been asked to be part of it.
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

What an amazing opportunity! I am sure you guys will do a cracking job representing UKAPS :clap:

One thing i would ask is make sure you take loads of pics and that you put together some sort of slide show/video showing us mere mortals how good Interzoo 2010 was.

I think its a great tribute to the UK that UKAPS and The Green Machine are held in such high regard by a company like Tropica.

I am excited and i am not even going! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbup:
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

Congratulations guys that is trully amazing and all the hard work is really paying off 🙂

Looking forward to seeing plenty of photos from the event 🙂

Once again congrats and do us proud as always 🙂
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

Thanks Andy and Paulo!

We've got some exciting news about the aquascape too, so watch this space...
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

And I forgot to mention that it was on The Green Machine's recommendation to Tropica that we were chosen over others to represent Tropica on their stand.

Thanks, guys! Let's show the rest of the world how good the UK is!! :thumbup:
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

George Farmer said:
UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

This is the biggest honour UKAPS has had so far and it is a wonderful opportunity to launch the Society as a group of serious, positive, and forward-thinking enthusiasts on a truly international scale.

Tropica have been approached by many other international aquatic plant/aquascaping forums but they chose UKAPS, as they consider we best represent the future of the hobby.

Tropica also chose The Green Machine as they consider they best represent the future of the planted aquarium retail sector.
Wow, this is absolutely amazing, and a huge tribute to the hard work of UKAPS' founders in creating a forum for 'serious, positive, and forward-thinking enthusiasts' - George, you couldn't better describe why UKAPS does it for me, and why UKAPS fully deserves this accolade.

And it's a massive, well deserved boost to TGM, too. I'm impressed!
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

Thanks, Paul! Kind words indeed.

It's easy to think UKAPS is just another forum, but it's events like this that allow us to communicate on so many more levels than any forum or website can allow.

The UKAPS primary mission is to promote the UK planted tank and aquascaping hobby, and opportunities like this don't come much better.
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

Tropica have been approached by many other international aquatic plant/aquascaping forums but they chose UKAPS, as they consider we best represent the future of the hobby.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

Tropica also chose The Green Machine as they consider they best represent the future of the planted aquarium retail sector.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
how far in to 2010 is it?
it sounds amazing anyway!
do us proud! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

A taste of the Tropica stand at Interzoo 2008...



Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

George Farmer said:
A taste of the Tropica stand at Interzoo 2008...




andyh says with a heavily sarcastic tone " yeah that looks rubbish!" :sick: :sick: Green with envy!

so me being nosey as always, what you got planned?
Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010

Thanks, guys!

samc said:
i am interested into what ideas you have for the scape.
andyh said:
so me being nosey as always, what you got planned?
It's early days but SteveUK got us thinking and quite rightly suggested we get the UKAPS massive involved with some creative control over the 'scape.

Dan and I are still formulating plans but one idea is to live stream us actually playing around in the tank with different hardscape designs etc. UKAPS members can give us live feedback via Gabble or similar and let us know what they think, if they're happy with what we're doing, and if/how they could improve it.

UKAPS members would also be welcome to attend the 'scaping session at Dan's place. It would likely be a weekday evening when UKAPS forum traffic is heaviest (and my weekends are mostly booked up with family stuff).

It could turn into chaotic confusion (too many cooks spoil the broth?), but I think it could work (many hands make light work?)

Anyway, there's one idea. Please don't bombard this thread with too many other ideas, but rather PM me or Dan.
