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What are you using to store and dose....


6 Aug 2008
Basingstoke. Hants
Im mainly interested in those with larger tanks but comments from all could still help and might help others.

Im interested in what you store your mix in and how you measure it out each day. I want to keep it quick and easy so a friend can dose while im on holiday with ease.

I have a 500l tank and worked out im going to be dosing 50ml MACRO)and 25ml(TRACE) alternate days.

First can this be done in one lump once a week? or is this not adviced.... This would aid the ease.
the other options are syringes at 50 and 25ml if i find i need more of one item is desolve less or more in my solution.

The other option is the 250ml dosing bottles. but rather than mixing in what is recomended in 250 ml is add in 5 times that so that the 10ml dosing is a days worth.... Will it disolve???


How quickly does trace mix go off?

I have a 300l tank and make up a batch that lasts 13 weeks and it seems to be fine I think.

I have an old pint pot. Fill it with water from the tank, add the dry powders, give it a stir and pour it in.
I was going to premix a batch and dose so many mls per day until I realised how much easier it is to work with the dry powders on a daily basis for a 500l tank as it all works out to tsps or half tsps.

I use an old Helmans mayonase jar (the largest one) which holds about 900ml full for my Macros and a smaller jam jar (250ml) for my Micros. I have a measuring cup originally from an interpet medication which when full holds 32ml.

Two full cups on Macro days and one cup full cup for Micros.

I just work the maths backwards to determine the exact quantities to mix up in the first place. I measure the ferts in teaspoons anyway and don't worry as there is a large margin for error with EI dosing.

Mixing goes somthing like this:- Nearly fill jar with RO water, add 8 teaspoons KNO3, 6 teaspoons of KH2PO4, lid on, shake, job done. 30 seconds tops, even quicker for Micros.

Cost nothing.

Regards, Chris.
Ajm200 said:
I have an old pint pot. Fill it with water from the tank, add the dry powders, give it a stir and pour it in.
I was going to premix a batch and dose so many mls per day until I realised how much easier it is to work with the dry powders on a daily basis for a 500l tank as it all works out to tsps or half tsps.

Am I missing something, I don't get how this is quicker. I have about 20 seconds to dose my aquarium and feed my fish in the morning and with the dosing bottle I can do it with time to spare. I couldn't be bothered to measure out up to three different powders and mix my ferts every day. You just need one dose from the bottle and it takes less than 5 secs. You can do the pre-mixing at a less busy time.

i was wondering could you frezze ferts then if someone's babysitting your tank you could use a freezer bag and say 2 lumps of the clear one lump of the brown for example just a thought
i keep my main store of liquid ferts in spray bottles and my individual dosing ammounts for each day in test tubes that i kept when i threw out my test kit. when i do my weekly water change in refill the testubes with the right ammount using the spray bottle knozzle and on the day i dose i just pop the lid of and pour it in. DONE!

and there good for when you go away for a friend to dose cause you can just write on the glass tube in board marker or simular "monday" "tuesday" "wedensday" ect.ect.