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What would you do with a spare tank?


30 Oct 2007
Okay, top and tail is my birthday is in February, (the 13th) and I'll be treating myself to one of the optiwhite nanos. This will leave my current 11" cube nano void of purpose but with enough equipment to run it as something or another.
Ideally I'd like something really low maintenance and possibly something that will bring in some £'s. I quiet fancied trying vampire crabs though I know nothing about them at all. Or even trying to breed some really nice guppies or aspisto or killi's?
Any and all suggestions welcome. I can post up tech specs if going planted is a suggestion.
How about breeding shrimp, but like bumblebee shrimp or something, a bit less common but still cheap?

I like the idea of breeding Guppies, but you would really need another tank for that because they can get out of hand unless you keep the population down, and even then you could only have about six or seven in an 11" tank.

I think the tank is a bit too small for Apistos. You could try to breed whatever fish you have in your main tank (e.g. if you have neon tetras, they are an egg scatterer so you could set the tank up appropriately with moss etc and try to breed them in there).
Yeah, I can imagine size being a really limiting factor. I've been spotting some of oliver knotts low maint stuff and it's an attractive proposition.

I really like the idea of something that would help put a extra few £'s in my pocket though. Always fancied trying my hand at breeding something intentionally.
If you are after pennies I would think it would be better to try and get some of the rarer/slower plants in the hobby growing. Fish can be hit and miss to breed and of course it takes time and money to care for them where as we know plants take the time but not so much cash.

I'm thinking more of the sort of plants that cost money for small portions like Pelias. Fissidens. Anubias Petite (we know you are good at them. lol)

Plants that are 'low light' so no need for a super setup etc. Of course shrimp can go hand in hand with these so you could get some of the rarer breeds going and double your money from the tank.

Me?! I just dose lots of trace's if I'm doing anubias, nothing more to it.
I do like the whole low tech low work thing, shrimps too but I never see anything that I like for the right money.
Garuf said:
Okay, top and tail is my birthday is in February, (the 13th) and I'll be treating myself to one of the optiwhite nanos. This will leave my current 11" cube nano void of purpose but with enough equipment to run it as something or another.
Ideally I'd like something really low maintenance and possibly something that will bring in some £'s. I quiet fancied trying vampire crabs though I know nothing about them at all. Or even trying to breed some really nice guppies or aspisto or killi's?
Any and all suggestions welcome. I can post up tech specs if going planted is a suggestion.

Not big enough for any of the fish options I'm afraid. You could spawn a very peaceful apisto species in there if you removed the male after spawning and had a larger tank spare to grow the fry on. You could also have a pair of killies in there but would need another tank to grow the fry on as well as tubs to incubate the eggs in.

I'd go with some more desirable shrimp that you can then sell! You could also try a few plants too that are wanted.
You could go for triops, they're very cool and if you manage to get eggs of one of the rarer or larger species off ebay then you could breed to sell although not for a great deal of money, you could also adapt the tank for growing your own organic mushrooms and sell them to any local delhi's, some of the rarer or medicinal species can be quite profitable but are obviously harder to grow and in a small space like that the initial investment in equipment would probably take a while to make by selling your mushrooms.
I like the idea of a low tech shrimp and siamese fighter tank... was thinking this morning that's what I want to have at work. 🙂

The only problems I foresee are the eating of shrimplets and the fact that fighters don't like flow... might make things a little more difficult.
I setup a low tech shrimp tank last year, only a 30 litre tank. Started with about 10 Red Cherry Shrimp, but my god i could'nt believe how rapidly the population grows :shock:

Fascinating little critters to watch, very playful 🙂

Definately a good idea for a spare tank 😉 Just make sure you have a contingency plan if they breed too well :lol:
Why choose cherries? There are loads of different shrimps around now you could breed, like CRS, bumblebees, tigers, sulewesi etc. Probably best avoid amano though if you only have the one tank.
Oof, a from the depths of time bump! Ironically the optiwhite hasn't seen a drip of water since I found out it leaked, sodding thing.
it's sitting, half arsedly scaped waiting for me to reseal it, fine waste of money it turned out to be.
I've got enough plants to plant it up but I need a new filter seal before I can commit and plant it, I wouldn't mind some different wood and some petrified rock too but you know... these things don't come cheap.
Garuf said:
I wouldn't mind some different wood and some petrified rock too but you know... these things don't come cheap.
Theres likely to be a bit going at mine mate, if you still intend on coming....
The opti white is one of Aquaessentials.
Cheers, Dan. I'm planning on heading down to stoke and seeing my nephew then hopping back on the train and to yours so yeah, I'll see you there!
Garuf said:
The opti white is one of Aquaessentials.
Surely if it leaks they'll replace it. A fish tank that leaks isn't exactly 'fit for purpose' is it!