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Fluval 07 users

17 Mar 2012
When I bought my first canister filter, an Eheim 250, in the 1980’s I took the design for granted. It was housed in a home made cabinet that had a suitable hole in the back for the hoses. The angled outlet pipe and ability to angle the inlet on the Eheim made it easy to position the filter to easily accommodate the hoses. Moving forward I’ve had a number of other makes and models that have all had angled inlet and outlet hose connectors of one sort or another.
Except of course the Fluval 207 I bought some time ago. I stopped using it after a couple of weeks for two reasons. First it was quite noisy and secondly if was difficult to accommodate the hoses due to the fixed vertical inlet and outlet connectors. I had to fit a couple of fixed 90° bends in order to set it up at all, not an elegant solution.
I’m therefore wondering how other Fluval 07 users get round this issue without putting some tight bends in the hoses?
I’m therefore wondering how other Fluval 07 users get round this issue without putting some tight bends in the hoses?
I looked at the Fluval 07 series and could not make it work in my cabinet due to the upright pipe outlet/inlet. Shame it messed up a good experiment and a review!

I know some others here have posted images of the Fluval with sharp pipe turns made it work without any performance issues to note. I am sure they will be posting soon......
My problem is more at the tank end. I stupidly had a tailored tank made with braces along each side, and 2 small square holes in each back corner, which means I can't use any of the Fluval attachment through which the pipes are supposed to go. I have to just bend the pipe over and through the hole, and it is a bit tight, and not so neat. That's mostly a problem of my own making, and I do think that, while the special fluval hoses are annoying and ugly, they do bend quite flexibly and I don't have many problems with flow. I've had the 107, 307 and 207. My main issues have been with the charger lever breaking, a number of times. I currently have a 207, which is VERY quiet – indeed they all were. I'm not really answering your question, but that's my Fluval impressions. It wouldn't be easy for me to switch given the issue with the square holes, as many pipes aren't so flexible.
I’m therefore wondering how other Fluval 07 users get round this issue without putting some tight bends in the hoses?
Never really seen putting bends in the hose to be an issue tbh, then again I use the much hated ribbed hose which is incredibly flexible and doesn't pinch the hose when bent. You can see here on the picture below extremes of hose manipulation, this is coming off a 407, so height wise I don't have much wiggle room. Even if the inlet/outlet filter connection was on a 45° swivel it wouldn't make much difference in my case.

Is it just the aesthetics that concerns you, or do you feel bending the hose reduces the flow to much?
Bends in the hoses are inevitable in most setups but I try to avoid tight bends like that. I use standard clear hose so I doubt I’d be able to get a bend as tight as that in it even if I wanted to. I like clear hose (or pale green/grey) because I can clearly see when they need cleaning.
I've also got a 407 and never had a problem

I've always used Fluval for externals so don't know any better re the fixed vertical inlet/outlet

I've had the odd noisy period here and there (usually always after I've given the media a clean) but it normally quietens down within a few days
Biomasters it seems have their *issues. Build quality (thickness of parts etc) is much better than the Fluval 207 I have though and it’s also much quieter.
* I’ve not experienced some of the common ones folks speak of like sucking in air etc.
I replaced the Fluval hoses on my 207 immediately for 16/22 PVC. My set up is unusual in that the tank is not directly above the filter. The cupboard is offset and the pipes go a very short way inside a plasterboard wall. This necessitated something more durable and the ability to put 90 bends in it. You could put two 90 bends directly after the filter and notice no difference in flow.

Those hoses must be a nightmare to clean. I use Eheim double taps on all my hoses so they’re relatively easy to disconnect to clean them.
I’ll let you in on a little secret…

I don’t clean them.
I’ve found this does over time reduce the flow on my tanks. Using clear hoses I can keep an eye on just how dirty they are. They generally get a clean every 12 months or so as needed. Not so important on the 16/22 hoses on the Biomaster but definitely on the 12/16 hoses on my Eheim.
Not so important on the 16/22 hoses on the Biomaster but definitely on the 12/16 hoses on my Eheim.
Nope, I have seen some reduction when my 16/22 pipes get covered in algae and gunk.

They are a pain to clean though - really wish I did not have too!
I use Eheim double taps on all my hoses so they are easy to remove to clean them. The hoses themselves are easy enough, not so much the stainless steel inlet/outlet pipes due to the bend. Some fancy multi part stainless pipes would be good if anyone would like to invent at set and get them made!

Edit: The larger stainless steel pipes aren’t as bad as the smaller ones. Maybe I should get some larger ones and adapters for my smaller tank - good idea Aqua! 😆
I’ll let you in on a little secret…

I don’t clean them.
I want to disagree with this statement.
In my experience, the hoses are the biggest flow restriction. Every millimeter reduction in internal cross section is felt in the flow. I tested and the conclusion is to use the biggest internal diameter (see ribbed Fluval hoses) and have them as short and as straight as possible.
Cleaning, depending on each of us, but please do this experiment: let them get dirty and measure flow before and after cleaning only the hoses. You will be amazed of the difference...
Good luck with your canister.