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Chihiros Aqua soil substrate


4 Jan 2019
Here are the manufacturer's bold claims that range from "revolutionary" to "ultimate aquasoil".

Element content percentage:
Active Carbon 10%
SiO2 52.21%
Al2O3 17.25%
Fe2O3 13.65%
CaO 6.89%

I picked up some popcorn. This will be fun to watch.
Let the games continue. Chihiros released its product a few weeks ago. You can read in the llink below all details. The FAQs are enlightening. This soil is the holy grail.

@_Maq_ Smash!
Hanuman said:
The FAQs are enlightening. This soil is the holy grail.
More than half of the bag is silica sand so we can say most of it is holy grail... some impurities such as rust, old cans and charcoal mixed in there, another me-too product hits the market.
The FAQs are enlightening. This soil is the holy grail.
ore than half of the bag is silica sand so we can say most of it is holy grail... some impurities such as rust, old cans and charcoal mixed in there, another me-too product hits the market.
Yeap. I was being ironic in case that was not clear ;).