I got a nano cube which is unheated. Although water parameters and fertilization are kept the same (90% water change so quite stable). I do notice plant growth slowed down lately. Not in all plants, M. umbrosum seems to grow just as fast, as does the mosses. But all Rotala species and Persicaria and Staurogyne slowed down. I increased CO2 a little but this made no difference. So I wondered whether at 18-21 degree temperature could be the limiting factor.
If so can I compensate with more light or more CO2 or anything? And is it risky for running into algae problems or dying plants (not as far as I can notice although the Staurogyne looks a little less pretty)?
If so can I compensate with more light or more CO2 or anything? And is it risky for running into algae problems or dying plants (not as far as I can notice although the Staurogyne looks a little less pretty)?