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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on stems n

Ian's a total liar really mark, he pm'd me telling me it's crap in person, full of algae and the worst scaping he'd ever seen in his life.......ha ha only joking. I just wish I could have seen this I person too.
Awesome tank mate

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Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Awesome tank indeed.

What is the deal with dosing phosphate from TPN+, then sucking it all back out with your phosphate absorber?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

sWozzAres said:
What is the deal with dosing phosphate from TPN+, then sucking it all back out with your phosphate absorber?

I'm not sure mate. I just thought I'd try it. I do think though, the phos remover removes organic phosphate?...rather than inorganic?...I dont know to be honest. 😳 I might not even work, and the whole thing is placebo :shifty:

Alastair said:
I just wish I could have seen this I person too.

A shame you couldn't make it.

Ady34 said:
Maybe sort out some 3D footage to further enhance the spectacle!!

I've tried it 😉 looks amazing!

They're still images rather than a video, but 3d stills look great.

I'm getting lazy! I really need to trim this and take a load of fish out. I'm hanging on until the weekend, when i have more time.

Here's a few pics before i do it...

pre3 by saintly's pics, on Flickr

pre2 by saintly's pics, on Flickr

pre-1 by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics.

would love to see this if it was left to go a bit wild.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics.

Mark Evans said:
I'm getting lazy! I really need to trim this and take a load of fish out. I'm hanging on until the weekend, when i have more time.

I reckon taking the gouramis especially out at the weekend may be a good thing, not long before they would start picking off your shrimp population!
I also think that you could let the stem to the right of the vallis grow up to the surface again to fill in that area, but leave the one to the left out.

The last shot is amazing, its so crisp and shows the different plant textures perfectly. The intermingling of plants looks very natural, but still structured.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Iwagumi.

What kind of stone did you end up using? At the start of this journal you said it was

Mark Evans said:
It's purple shist stone.

But doesn't look like that to me! Did you have a change of heart... Am off to CED and was just wondering what you opted for in the end... (Not that I want to shamelessly copy or anything :shh: )
120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics.

Fantastic 'scape, growing techniques & photography... As always!

Are you using the complete ADA substrate system?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics.

Dan Walter said:
Are you using the complete ADA substrate system?

No mate, just aqua soil. 🙂

ghostsword said:
On the second picture there seems to be a lot of shade in the middle, yet glosso is thick and lush. How??

There's a large portion of shaded are in the middle, and the riccia and HC grow with ease. The tank, right now, is in such a 'happy place' in terms of growth.

Glosso is driving me mad.

mikeappleby said:
What kind of stone did you end up using? At the start of this journal you said it was

I opyted for mini landscape rock. The new stone is in my 90cm. It looks great for the money. :thumbup:

SuperWen said:
can you share this tank specification?
lighting, filtration, substrate, fert & WC regime, etc

I'll look for te info and inform you what page it's on :thumbup:

Tom said:
I'm feeling a bit woosy too now! Not sure if it's the camera angles or the awesome scape....

Ahhh, sorry mate. It's this damn 16-35mm! i cant get it off the camera. I've just added a Zacuto Zfinder EVF 'pro' to my camera. Now that's an awesome addition to the 5dmk2.

George Farmer said:
You make me sick, Evans!! Lol

BTW, don't suppose you could spare a few glosso cuttings after your trim...?

G x

You sure can sweet lips. :shifty: i'll be in touch.

ianho said:
you still ain't trimmed it!!

It's your fault!...well, it's not, but i'll blame you anyway :lol: well done on you know what!

Ady34 said:
The last shot is amazing, its so crisp and shows the different plant textures perfectly. The intermingling of plants looks very natural, but still structured.

Cheers Ady. The tank is evolving at such a rate now. trimming is key to the over all appearance.

darren636 said:
would love to see this if it was left to go a bit wild.

Your wish is coming true at the moment. :lol:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics.

Wondering if you could 'scape your tank blindfolded - give us mere mortals a chance. Great looking tank as always
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics.

mrjackdempsey said:
Wondering if you could 'scape your tank blindfolded - give us mere mortals a chance. Great looking tank as always


Tom said:
Not sure if it's the camera angles

The 16-35mm is awesome. As i mentioned, i cant take it off the camera at the moment. The 135mm is crying!

I'm hoping i can recreate this ripple effect for the final images...

ripple by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics.

The Plan!

This is the roughest PS edit ever, but it's the plan for the final images.

I intend to trim pretty hard and remove all stray runners. It may even mean moving a piece of wood or 2....fingers crossed for that!

Anyway, as mentioned, a rough PS edit showing the plan.

the-plan by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 The Plan!

Looking good mate.

I was actually reserving (public) judgement about the 'flatness' of the HC texture etc., as you know, but actually I really like it now.

The ripples look great too. It's an art form in itself capturing a good ripple!