Filip Krupa
I have invaders!
5 snails squished on glass in last 10 mins...
Have fun, more will come.
Look like bladder snails.
I got some dwarf puffers in my 2000l, took them a month to reduce snail population to near zero.
I have invaders!
5 snails squished on glass in last 10 mins...
Thus the diffusers are currently positioned at either end of the tank, as far down as they can go on the side glass. Co2 then rises , where it meets the XF350 gyres, which then suck in the co2 and fire it back down and across the tank. This is the most efficient way I could think of getting maximum Co2 exposure to water.
I have invaders!
5 snails squished on glass in last 10 mins.
Enough said in my opinion; my experience was awful a couple of years ago, there's a few threads on here about tank builders; example below, you may like to add to save other people - ND seem a very hit or miss company now."ND Aquatics"
I really feel for you and hope you can move forward and not look back on such appalling service; there's just no excuse for it and it makes my blood boil when such large amounts of money are involved.Sorry for the negatives but this is a journal after all. I intend it to be a true and accurate reflection of my journey. I dare say that others will have good service from NDA but for me... it was barely passable as 'embarrassingly bad'.
That's a shame, have you thought about a work-round?The return pump takes water for the sump and sends it back towards the tank. Shortly after the pump there is a T piece which takes water from the return feed and flows it through a UV steraliser. The UV unit then returns the water going through it to the start of the sump.
By putting the diffusers next to the return pump this would mean a proportion of my Co2 (20%) would be going straight back to the start of the sump and likely lost in the tumbling water.
Great pieces of kit; I think @Zeus. is the person on here who can tell you quite the difference they can make.Gyres.
I had a tee in my return before and just used to open it up come water change day but learnt you do need to get in there, at least from time to time and siphon things out/give them a quick blast with a turkey baster; another thing I think @Zeus. found out in a similar way to me. There are certain siphons out there you can doctor and make it so you can attach a normal hose and fittings to it then run it wherever you like so long as it's lower that where you start.Water changes.
Top & bottom scavenging weirs (new to me) were incorporaged into the design. However i needed a way to control the % of water which goes through top or bottom. As I have access to a laser cutter, i requested the weirs have removeable combs so that i can manufacture my own combs. This way i could have a top comb with more flow restriction which will increase the water pressure on the bottom of the weir and force more water through the bottom.
We'll see how well this works in practice when its all set up but the logic is there.