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35L Noptiwhite


18 Apr 2013

Finally got my 35L planted and filled at the weekend. I call it the "noptiwhite" as it is anything but optiwhite - it's a bit of a tatty old tank, but I've taken the hood off (with it's single t8 bulb…) and put a clip-on light on for now. Looking hopefully to upgrade to LED at some point if and when budget allows.

This was it just with hardscape:

And now planted and filling:

Got some more mosses arriving this week to put on the wood to "soften" it a bit as especially the right hand piece is very square.

There are no photos of it filled as when I went to start up the filter (second hand eheim 2213), nothing happened. It gurgled and rattled and made a hell of a noise but pumped water so slow that it dribbled. I took the head off the filter and put it in a bucket to see what was going on, but I think the bearings/bushes have gone on the impeller shaft as it the impeller seems to have way too much movement.
So new parts ordered, the ugliest internal filter ever made has been employed as a temporary measure to try and get some flow about it, but the co2 distribution is quite horrendous with it, so we'll see if the plants make it!

All in a days scaping… :)
Scape looks great, and will be all the better with the moss in there. I like how the wood sections off the foreground, the plants will push up against it nicely.

Hope your plants hold up with the internal filter :confused:
Plants have survived the week despite a lack of external filter. The monte carlo seems to be filling out a bit and the ammania has definitely come on. I seem, however, to be losing a bit of colour out of the alternanthera which suggests that the clip-on may not be enough light. I am looking at LEDs currently to upgrade and am torn between the arcadia stretch and the new tmc bars. The advantage to the tmc is that they are dimmable, but I don't know if I will ever need that feature.
Will get a picture of the MC growth up once lights come on later though so that I can prove (to myself more than anything!) that the plants are growing and not dying!
will look great with some moss in there. like the name btw!
Some updated pictures:


Fissidens is growing, excuse the glue. Not sure why it dried white...


Monte carlo is spreading

Pellia growing well. Alternanthera is a bit pale. I have a new LED light bar for this tank (the new TMC 500) but I'm having to use it on another tank at the moment as its light is broken. Hopefully will get it on this tank soon to get the red out of the alternanthera.


I also need to trim the algaed cyprus leaves - they didn't get like this in this tank but in a previous tank.

Thanks for looking :)


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Super Glue dries white in water, my guess is that science is involved :) tank looks great :)

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Is this a Hagen elite 35? Was my first tank :)

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Is this a Hagen elite 35? Was my first tank :)

I think so! Was my first tank too :) Have managed to spruce it up a bit by taking the hood off and replacing the light, as well as adding lily pipes. Looks semi decent now :p
I think so! Was my first tank too :) Have managed to spruce it up a bit by taking the hood off and replacing the light, as well as adding lily pipes. Looks semi decent now :p

Don't have any pics of mine but I thought they where nice so got a 60 for my first planted

Still have it in my pile of tanks...... I'm not good at letting go :D

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Another week on...


Moss is filling out :)

Monte carlo is spreading but got some diatoms.

Need to get a CUC in there soonish as getting some brown diatoms on the glass and leaves which is awkward to clean. Pleased with the tank though, considering I only see it on weekends.


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Added 8 chilli rasbora and 5 shrimp (4 sakura and 1 crystal) yesterday. Would have liked to have gotten an otto for the glass diatoms but they had none. Thought the crystal was dead when I got home from the shop as it was just floating around and had gone white, put it in the tank anyways and found it this morning crawling about the moss like nothing happened. Who knows. Will try and get fish pics later with light on.
This weeks pictures - got some questions as we go along so here goes!

Moss is still doing well

Getting quite a bit of brown algae though on plant leaves and glass :( Should an otto clear this up? Or should I be doing something else to help remedy this?

Helferi seems to be growing quite tall and getting brown bottom leaves - is this due to not enough light? I have another (better) light for the tank but still can't use it as no mounts have been released as yet!

Rubbish phone picture of a chilli rasbora - still quite pale, but hopefully will colour up soon. Don't really know what to feed them though. Have tried a bit of the decapsulated brine shrimp eggs but can't actually see if they ate them or not... Need specs I think :confused:

Crystal shrimp amongst the ammania. I have a TDS of about 100 - how does this sound regarding the CRS and sakuras?

Sakura shrimp chillaxing

Any help much appreciated!


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I keep my shrimp tanks at a TDS of 150 -160.
Ref the chilies, I'd try micro worms and frozen cyclops.
Hi all,
Don't really know what to feed them though. Have tried a bit of the decapsulated brine shrimp eggs but can't actually see if they ate them or not...
I'm with DTL, Micro or Banana worms to get a bit of wriggle, and then they are much more likely to eat dried or frozen Copepods fed at the same time. PM me if you can't find any on EBAY etc.
I have a TDS of about 100..........Helferi seems to be growing quite tall and getting brown bottom leaves - is this due to not enough light?
I have my tanks at about 100 ppm TDS and both times I've had P. helferi, it does exactly that before slowly dwindling away. It might be light, but the rest of the plants (and diatoms) look fine, so my suspicion would be that it is your soft water.

cheers Darrel
Thanks for that info Darrel. How do you keep banana worms? I had some type of worms once that you had to keep in soil and then put oats or something on the surface to feed them, but it was a pain in the butt trying to catch them and then clean them. Interesting to hear about the TDS too. From info, I may try to raise TDS slightly for the shrimp, so would this help at all with the helferi, or is it kinda ingrained in the water to be like that haha.
Diatoms. Diatoms everywhere...
Looking good, growing in nice! In my experience an Otto or 2 will definitely help clear up the brown algae..... I had helferi do a similar thing in my tank, grew tall and shed leaves from the bottom, not sure why, mine was fairly low tech so could've been anything.... I ended up taking it out.....
Thanks for the link there. That's ideal. I think they've been taking the decapsulated brine shrimp as there seems to be nice fat tummies, but will bear the worms in mind as a treat.
I'll see what happens with the helferi when I put more light over the tank (if it lasts that long…) but if not I'll just let the monte carlo spread out into its space.
It's been a while! A little update.


I had issues with some sort of green thread algae for a while, but did a 3 day blackout and it's nearly all gone. Got a tiny bit of BBA on a few leaves, but will get the whole tank trimmed tomorrow when my new AE scissors arrive :D