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80cm long term journey

Re eheim 350....ditch the sponge and use some filter floss.

Switch off the 350
Remove clogged up floss and throw it in the bin then add new floss every couple of days.
Less floss more turnover etc.


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Do you not find not having it running all the time releases scum back onto the surface? As soon as i switch mine off you can see some cack escaping back out...

Hi Rob, the amount of food etc that gets sucked in is minimal so it isn't really a problem. I guess I could actually get away without using it at all, but it is very handy to have there.

Re eheim 350....ditch the sponge and use some filter floss.

Switch off the 350
Remove clogged up floss and throw it in the bin then add new floss every couple of days.
Less floss more turnover etc.

Thanks Hoggie I'll keep that in mind.

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