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ADA step 2 in a Nano.


4 Feb 2010
hello guys,

ive tried to hang onto my step1 untill ive used most of it up, well its coming to the time where itll be running out end of feb, so im looking at replacing it with the step2, now even though the tank is doing fine with step1 and i could replace with that, im interested how much effect step 2 would have.

ive read elsewere that the iron ca create problems in small tanks?

and for anyone who says 'go ei' it is an option its just the doseing one lot waiting n hour dosing more or another mix, dosing n particular days ect, just doesnt get me going, with the ada if i stay out the night all i say to my girlfriend is '1 pump of each big one and 1 drop of python git' lol its just so so easy, :thumbup:

love to all my ADA geeks ahaaha :geek:
nayr88 said:
ive read elsewere that the iron ca create problems in small tanks?
Hi mate,
Sorry, you read wrong. Lack of Fe can be problematic though. Tank size is not germane to plant nutritional requirement.

nayr88 said:
and for anyone who says 'go ei' it is an option its just the doseing one lot waiting n hour dosing more or another mix, dosing n particular days ect, just doesn't get me going, with the ada if i stay out the night all i say to my girlfriend is '1 pump of each big one and 1 drop of python git' lol its just so so easy
Well, count me in as one of those saying go EI. Here's why:

Step 1...............£60 per litre
Step 2...............£60 per litre
Step 3...............£60 per litre
Green Gain........£600 per litre
Green bacter.....£600 per litre
Phyton Git.........£600 per litre
Brighty K...........£60 per litre
ECA....................£600 per litre
Special Lights....£60 per litre
Special Shade....£60 per litre

So the main reason people decide to go EI has to do with economics. You can buy EI powders and make a litre of solution for about 60 pence per litre.

Saving your hard earned cash to buy more beer at the pub.....Priceless

Secondly, you can easily make up a batch of all-in-one solution and dose only one thing. You can even pour your home made mix into one of these perfume bottles and use the pump measure.


Always count on you.

I must of misread or read misleading information. I do like the sound of EI its just, ada is working so damn well and change is good I know but ....but....I spose I have no excuse, ill re read your EI article again, after the 1st read I was hooked then kinda forgot bits, went to order powders got scared and ran to my perfume bottled ferts and prayed for forgiveness :D. Ill do some homework.

Thanks mate
Haha, too right Tom.

The plan is to use up the ada stuff and then get EI mix to use in the bottles :shh: :silent:

No one will ever know....

Unless they read this.....

Or the EI mix isn't brown hahaha


I like your style haha. Wonder if it could stain the silicone over time. I'm not to fussed to be honest if it looks like its ada haha.

Cheers though ceg, tom :D