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Andyh's Journal "Green Beach" Update 01/03/2013

Well you can tell i cleaned the filter properly.

The tank tonight looks GIN clear, the new carbon and fully serviced filter are doing there job well!
Really well done Andy, love it! Very amano esq.

Are you gonna be entering this in to the iaplc this year? (Please say yes)
Looking absolutely amazing :thumbup: , the attention to detail is great. Your photos really show all the hard work you have put into this scape, looks well organised and clean.
I noticed that you use carbon in the filter media, I never put carbon in my filters in the past as I was under the impression that it will just take out all the ferts we put in the tank. Have you always used carbon in the media ??
Very nice scape Andy. I always check into your journals every now and then becuase you do a great job. Seems like things haven't changed on that score, in fact this one is probably the best IMO.
Well i truly am delighted by all the positive comments:joyful:

Sometimes i do think with my journals "is this worth an update?" But i have to say that the comments keep me going. (sorry thats enough Gushing now!):happy:

To answer a few of the questions:

Really well done Andy, love it! Very amano esq.
Are you gonna be entering this in to the iaplc this year? (Please say yes)

Yes i think so, just not sure if its the right style scape to do well in the competition. If i do, it does mean that i am going to have to go stealth on the journal, and then when the current plants grow to the desired levels get some decent pictures.........

This then means calling in a "promised" favour from a certain North Wales based, good looking, super intelligent aquascaper, pro photogrpaher dude! (was that enough brown nosing?) Stu expect a phone call :lol: I need some coaching.

Looking absolutely amazing :thumbup: , the attention to detail is great. Your photos really show all the hard work you have put into this scape, looks well organised and clean.I noticed that you use carbon in the filter media, I never put carbon in my filters in the past as I was under the impression that it will just take out all the ferts we put in the tank. Have you always used carbon in the media ??
Yes i do always use carbon and Purigen in my filters as it gives the water that "Gin" clear look. There are various stand points and observations that imply it can remove some of the nutrients, however as i adopt a failry comprehensive dosing style i have never experienced any problems. I suppose what i mean by this is a dose well and base my dosing on the needs of the plants, so they never go short even if the Carbon removes a small amount.

Very nice scape Andy. I always check into your journals every now and then becuase you do a great job. Seems like things haven't changed on that score, in fact this one is probably the best IMO.
Hey cookie, cheers for the comments. I think that this is my favourite scape i have done to date, which suprises me as its the most simple. I traditionally like the really deatiled NA style scapes.
Thinking about what to do next at the moment, currently look for inspiration.
I think this one, closely followed by the 'Kitchen' scape purely for the fact that it pursuaded my mrs that I could have my tank in the kitchen.:)
Great journal andyh. Amazing the way this scape turned out. It looks fantastic. I've picked up some grate tips from reading through :)
Andy, sorry if i missed it. What happened to the R.Wallichii?? P.Erectus looking nice, I love this plant it has a lush greenshade when grown in :thumbup:
Andy, sorry if i missed it. What happened to the R.Wallichii?? P.Erectus looking nice, I love this plant it has a lush greenshade when grown in :thumbup:
Well spotted, its still in there, had to prune it right back its coming back slowly, buts its only about 3cm tall at the moment. I hope it comes back strong like it was b4.
Evening people!

Just cleaned the tank, and added some new livestock, keeping it secret for now. But they will make an appearance soon. Never had them before.

Full tank Shot March 1st 2013 by andyh_2011, on Flickr

Never introduced any fissidens to this tank, now having it growing in two different places. Its a really beautiful moss. The rocks had been used in other scapes previously which did have it but that was a good six months ago and they were stored in my garage. Tough stuff.

Fissidens Fontanus by andyh_2011, on Flickr

Thanks for looking

Never introduced any fissidens to this tank, now having it growing in two different places. Its a really beautiful moss. The rocks had been used in other scapes previously which did have it but that was a good six months ago and they were stored in my garage. Tough stuff.
All it takes is a little bit of roots in there even if they have been dry for months ;) happened on some wood I used also!

Tank is coming along nicely :) :clap: :thumbup:
All it takes is a little bit of roots in there even if they have been dry for months ;) happened on some wood I used also!
Tank is coming along nicely :) :clap: :thumbup:
Yes its resilient stuff. Thanks dude!
That new livestock isn't a celistial pearl danio is is?
Looking great mate!
Thanks for the comments
I have to ask, how are you keeping the tall hair grass so straight. Mine gets all twisted in the flow..
I wish i could tell you some elaborate technique, but there isn't one. I planted densely from day one, so it kind of supports itself. It is not in direct flow.
Hi Andyh,
congratulations on your aquarium! It looks super :thumbup:
I´m having difficulties between choosing a filter with thermo or a simple one and a inline hydor heater... Are you happy with your Eheim Thermo 2324? I'm starting a 60x45x30 (81 Liters). Would you recommend it to me?