Hehe, the best thing is that when I was interviewing Goerge I didn't have the slightest idea about the existence of something like "Aponogeton crispus 'Red' ". And I knew about the existence of C. balansae only because previously I made this movie in Nature Aquarium Academy, showing their 110x50x50 tank with Bolbitis, and with C. balansae 😀
Anyway - thanks for your help, guys, I really appreciate it, and I hope a lot of viewers will enjoy our video and learn from it! 😀
Piotr "Did-you-sign-the-permission-form-already?" K. 8)
PS: Tony and Eduard, I'm affraid I will torment you again for the permissions 😳 - when I'll be ready for publishing movies showing your tanks, shot from the tripod (I wouldn't dare to let the work of LondonDragon go in vain, who was persistently removing hundreds of visitors from the space between the tanks and my camera... 😉 ).