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Kyle Lambert

15 Aug 2013
So ive tried HC and my corys think its a lovely soft cushion for them to sit on and destroy so i need some help with my carpet regarding something hardy, attractive and easy to grow.

The corys do have a nice big open section at the front of the tank with plenty of places to hide and plenty of open rock work.

I love the look of E. Triandra (i think its elatine) but cant find much information about it other than its a difficult to find plant. I also like the look of spiny riccia and eleocharis SP mini.

Any input guys? Im looking to do an overhaul of my tanks plants anyway (went away for a week, left the care with a neighbour and a fair chunk of what i did have has been thrown and the stuff thats left isnt looking too healthy) so im quite happy to take anything on board. The only plant im really considering keeping are my alternanthere reinecki minis and the tiny bit of java moss clinging onto the driftwood for dear life. Im thinking wisteria as i like the look of it, some RRFs, a bit of vallis, a nice sword, anubias nanas and some cabomba to fill around the edges. It means the tank will be planted heavily but thats the look i like.

Id consider an easy to grow moss as a carpet if its a looker!

Staurogyne repens can definitely take a Cory bashing IME. You could try Marsilea hirsuta too.

I'm interested to try Elatine as I too have had Corys wreck HC. Tropica sell an in-vitro Elatine but I don't think it's the same as the one you mentioned.

How about Crypt Parva or Echinodorus Tenellus? Both easy to grow and will look nice once filled in.

i like both of these, but im looking to keep the carpet under 3-4cm if i can. i think the pruning id have to do to the tenellus would kill it off.


Staurogyne repens can definitely take a Cory bashing IME. You could try Marsilea hirsuta too.

I'm interested to try Elatine as I too have had Corys wreck HC. Tropica sell an in-vitro Elatine but I don't think it's the same as the one you mentioned.


how tall does the hirsuta grow? i see quotes saying 10cm in places but cant tell if thats horizontal or vertical growth.

As for the elatine, tropica sell hydropiper. Ive seen the triandra on ebay (its the only place ive seen it other than once in a LFS about 4 months ago) but its always out of stock on there.
10cm is possible, you should read Tropica's article about it: -

Tropica Aquarium Plants - Marsilea hirsuta

There are different types of growth with about 3 different types of leaf. Some of them are on quite tall stalks but you can trim them down. If you don't trim it, you might end up with the mostly tall growth.


It definitely looks good to me. I have not bought from tropica as of yet but do they give instructions about how to plant different species with each parcel do you know?
That's also on their website. There are also some videos on youtube and there's a pdf catalogue you can download from them too. Planting 1-2 Grow! (in-vitro) plants is pretty much the same regardless of the species. 1) wash the jelly off, 2) cut into 4-8 smaller pieces. 3) plant!

You might want to have a go with Tropicas 1-2grow elatine, as it might not be actual elatine, it seems to be m monticarlo. This is a very easy carpeting plant, and when I had corys they didn't bother it.
So can you order specific plants direct from tropica? I've not bought their stock before and have basically just gone into local shops or bought the odd bit on ebay. Had a look at their distributors and it seems like my 2 closest are pets at home (not gonna go there... not since the last time) or seapets (and to be frank, the plants there have always looked knackered).
Find out when your P@H gets it's Tropica delivery and go in soon after and get them when fresh. Or order them from one of the sponsors (TGM, Aqua Essentials).

Or freshwater shrimp - Live Aquarium Carpet Plants / Foreground / HC / Hairgrass / Tenellus and others | eBay

Or you can get 5 pots for £20 from Birstall (I've used them before, plants arrived in good condition but it takes about a week because they only order what they've sold each week, but it means the plants are always fresh) - Hemianthus callitrichoides 'cuba' - Scrophulariaceae Family | Birstall
I'd say a week is standard for delivery anyway. Birstall looks good. Prices aren't bad either I think. I know where I'll be buying from at least!
Hi Kyle,

Just thought i'd add to this. I have 6 Sterbai in an 80cm/125l and between them and a single platy they're doing a pretty good job of pulling my Eleocharis sp. mini and Marsilea to pieces. I'm removing large tufts of it daily from the powerhead where it's been uprooted and stuck to the pump. Most of my remaining Eleocharis (from 2 Tropica pots) is literally hanging on by an odd root, it's almost floating just above the substrate! lol. I've tried replanting both plants numerous times but the following day they've been in amongst it again and i'm back to square 1.

It's a shame as these were both plagued with BBA and after a couple of harsh trim backs they'd started coming good again, if only I could keep them planted in the sand long enough!! I'm hoping there'll be an odd tuft left of the Eleocharis to use in my next scape, but have all but given up on the Marsilea.

Stauro repens has been fine with them.

Ive commited to trying marsilea for now as i managed to get some quite cheap. However if it fails ill be contemplating stauro or even quarantining the corys in a seperate tank until i can get a little carpet working.