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Everything for Windows


21 Feb 2008
This is the best little app I have come across in a very long time. I have been using it for about a month now.
Install this app and it places a little icon on the task bar near the clock.
It catalogues your computer in a matter of seconds and it live updates instantly.
Find any file on your computer within seconds.


I would not live without it now ;)

Have fun :)
LondonDragon said:
This is the best little app I have come across in a very long time. I have been using it for about a month now.
Install this app and it places a little icon on the task bar near the clock.
It catalogues your computer in a matter of seconds and it live updates instantly.
Find any file on your computer within seconds.


I would not live without it now ;)

Have fun :)

Yeah its excellent i run a google version on my laptop, but my Mac has been doing it for years, its called spotlight and I dont know how i lived with out it!
I just recently installed it after being frustrated with windows built-in search features, 100 times better, really helps when your like me and have loads of project files on the go but are very poor at organising them lol

I'm rather familiar with poor organising... Haven't used it a long time but it's still around and back in the day it was a great help sometimes to see what needs to be reorganized.

Another one that was an Ureka for me lately... I had a crashed HDD from the notebook and it's beyond repair. It is no longer accessible from Windows if I try plugged in via USB the system freezes up and ends up with a BSOD... I had a lot of files on it I never backed up and all seem to be lost. But then I found this.

It's a command-line tool that not only tests disks it still reads the disk contents without trying to access it from the windows shell and it enables you to copy all that's on it to another location. And it recovered everything for me... :)
Thanks for sharing this hidden gem. It's incredible how some tools stand the test of time
Still use it to this day :)

Another great tool is:

If you want to quickly find out folders that are taking lots of space on your disk!
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That sounds like an awesome find! 🙌 Thanks for sharing your experience with this app and the data recovery tool. It's incredible how tech solutions can save the day.