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Fissidens advice.


19 Mar 2019
Hi I'm Matthew from Carlisle. New to the world of aquascaping and moss.
I've bought fissidens from three sellers, on ebay. And would appreciate any knowledge that could be sent my way on the best way to propagate it, be it in tank or trays? I have them on mesh currently.
I have also bought some seeds from Germany which came with German Instructions. So any advice on that would be greatly appreciated too.
Hope someone can help.
Without CO² and medium light Fissidens is very slow grower and propagator. Tho you can grow quite a big bunch in this condition it just takes time.
If you want succes asap, than good CO², good light and fert regime is a must.. Next to this it is because of its delicate and feathery texture also a dirt bag, it can collect vast ammount of dusty debri sticking to its leaves and if that is neglected its also very susceptible to BBA. Once BBA is in there there is very little you can do other than wait it out or trim it all the way back. Loosing lots of moss. Killing the algae chemicaly in most cases also kills the moss.

For the rest as said its quite an easy to grow moss in various conditions you can glue little pieces to hardscape with super glue and it will readily attach and spread.

Personaly i have very good experience with root stimulator for plants.. This comes from various vendors, it contain Hormones vitamines etc. derived from sea algae extracts. It benefits Rhizoid growth, this is what mosses depend on when attaching, it doesn't grow roots but solely Rhiziods. If you for example want to grow mosses on wood, than presoak the wood in water with this stimulater added for a periode, the wood will soak it up and release it again slowly while submersed in the aqaurium. It realy helps moss to attach and grow in my experience. The root stimulator i always use is Rhizotonic from Canna. But as said there are also others out there. It is not a must but defenitively a great help for the moss to attach and develop.

Growing moss from spores (seeds as you call it) i have no experience with. But i do speak and read German.. Thus if you have a copy of the instructions i'm glad to translate it for you.. Actualy rather interested myself to read it as well. :)
But Tropica seems to have dropped Fissidens fontanus from their plant list o_O

Hopefully it’s temporary and they are just transitioning it to their 1-2-Grow line
Sorry zozo. I didn't realise anyone had replied till now. I'll try and get a decent photo of the attached letter and post it for you to have a go at translating.
So keeping it simple, a good start would be some rhizotonic. Could you advise what mix?
It's currently on mesh sheets, in a spare tank. Could I move it to seed trays? Just to free up the tank.
Could you advise what mix?

The recomended mix is on the label 1/250 = 4ml/L

I'm a fan of drystarting, than i use that mixed in rain or ro water in a spray botlle.. Spraying that several times a day than this stuff also slowly seeps into the substrate. And the wood soakes it up. Emersed moss kept relatively wet doesn't require any NPK it can live off what bacteia in the biofilm convert from organic matter the bacteria eat. SInce this stuff is an kelp extract it is organic origine and speeds up biofilm development. This again benefits/speeds up Rizhoid growth from plants and mosses.

One thing to keep in mind using it in flooded invironmmet it is very alkaline and has a high pH.. Using it at 1/250 in a flooded tank probably will rais the pH with about 1 unit or more. I don't know if you would want that if life stock is involved. I actualy never experimented with it like that in flooded tanks with such high dosage, not because of the pH, but because it is so darn expensive with almost € 30/L.

I used it in flooded established tanks with fish at 25ml/50l without any effect on the pH or anything else.. It can't hurt, probably still benefitial for plant growth, but if it is lucrative to use it on allready healthy and established plants remains a personal opnion. And a budget question, I don't use it permanently or long term like that for budget reasons.

It definitively helps a great deal in establishing young plants and mosses in dry start cultivation. Plants simply get sooner over the hill from a transplant shock and root development speeds up in comparance to plants in shock that do not get it.. I'm using this already for over 15 years and it has prooven it's effectivness 100%. Recomended to several people also doing drystarts and experimented with Rizho yet non reported negative feedback. All are positive about it.


How you want to use it, how often and in what dosages and how benefitial that for you will be is something you need to experience and find out for yourself.
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I don't think I'm doing so well with this, my fissidens mini is growing. But the fontanus seems to be turning to mush.
Here are the seedling instructions.


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Here are the seedling instructions.

Somewhat free translation added some minor details, but instructional +/- 100% correct. :)

Aquarium Seeds to Sow.. Our Tipp

Take a small saucer (petri dish) with cotton (Make up cotton pads). Moisten this with a spray bottle.
Devide the seeds evenly over the cotton. Cover the dish with transparent cling foil.
As soon as the seedling appear, pick them off the cotton and place them in a flat container/dish with sterile seedling soil. Place this in an even bigger container and fill this up with water 3cm water above the soil.

As soon as the seedling are growing above the water surface the seedlings are ready to be transpanted, each one in a single small pot.

And place these pots and plant submersed in an appropriate glass or plastic container.

After 3 months the plants are ready to be placed in the aqaurium.

You can also use the method as showen in the picture tutorial bellow.

This is where your picture stops. :)

I have only one question with this tutorial.. Are you sure it is Fissidens moss spores they sold you?. I know fissidens and i can't see a correlation with this method. But hey, that could be only me.. Dunno!?
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Thankyou zozo, is this because of the planting in soil etc....
I was wondering that myself. But I've checked and it seems to be so.
I guess we'll find out.


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Here are the picture instructions.


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It says in the red circle Glossostigma elatinoises Seeds.. o_O


Seeds are sold in the size L and S.. o_O And Glossostigma elatinoises Seeds are in reality S nor L but super S in a few 100 Micron, (1 = 0,000 001) that is 1 seed is maximum maybe as big as a grain of sand..

Sorry mate i get the feeling you are scammed.... :what: And scammed with an eve worse German translation of this.

Actualy a rather bad scam.. It aint aqautic plants at all.. The names are only used as look a likes....

Sorry to say, mild plaster on the wound you're not the first.. But you can throw it in the bin..
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Realy sorry to say OP, but I have to say I think Zozo is right about the "seeds" being a scam :( .

I've seen the seeds/spores many different aquatic plant and moss species available for sale on eBay, usually the deal is too good to be true.

I purchased some Glossostigma seeds on a whim, as you can see from the other members responses to the following thread, usually when you buy aquarium plant seeds cheaply on eBay, it is just a scam:


That is some excellent advice on growing Fissidens though, if you get a cheap small sample of Fissidens (try the classified section here maybe?), it will grow well with that advice. I would offer to send out some but my goldfish ate all of my Fissidens :arghh:.
That's not good.
They are are a rated seller as well. I've spent over 50 quid trying to grow this moss.
I mean, it's possible that they sent you multiple whole sporangia in a bag, but unfortunately that doesn't look like what is even in the eBay listing's pictures :(. As Fissidens is a moss, it has spores instead of relatively large seeds like in the pictures.

I would guess they will say they have accidentally sent you the wrong seeds or been scammed themselves if you contact the seller. Hopefully they will remove the listing and refund you, but I've seen far worse on eBay. Have you seen the rainbow coloured rose seeds for sale? Many of the sellers on eBay advertising them have better feedback than the seller you bought from.


The seeds you got you can see at the bottom of the bag in this pic... Who knows what it is, but i rather believe if this is from a moss than i'm Santa Claus. It's a pitty, that scams like this are even possible on Ebay. I guess there is no law against misidentification of plants. But there is a law againts selling somethng that isn't what you say it is. But the problem likely is it isn't easy to back up with looking at a bag of seeds.

I would definitiely give ebay a message to notify them about it.. Maybe they do something with it. Yet nobody likely didn't. Because it keeps going on.. I also got scammed once with seeds from alledged Drosera sp. Took pictures messaged the seller, he promised resend, but it never arrived. mean while seller deletes account opens a new one and goes on scamming..

The propagating instructions already came accross rather fishy and wrong...

Tho in the Bonsai hobby there are several moss sp. available to grow from spores.. Here is a instruction video about it.

Skip to 3:25 min. to see the bag containing the spores.. I think it more like is a bag off grinded dry moss and sand that obviously will contain spores too.
In a way i can not believe that clean moss spores only can be collected and put in a bag, because that would be a microscopic task.

To get an idea about spores and how to work with it look this about ferns.
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Thanks guys. I've messaged the seller, I'll await his response. I bought 3 bags too!
I wasn't happy with buying fissidens ripped from its root. And containing snails.
Plus most of what I've bought like that doesn't seem to be growing.
I've found another seller who posts it out on 8x8 Square mesh. So might have to try that one, and take cuttings.
Thanks again.
New message from: importhandelipsa (7,038

if that is not true why have customers dan pictures and give us a good rating for this article ?????? The goods you receive are fresh, we ask you to wait until the seeds germinate, which takes up to 10 weeks. Did you put the seeds in warm water before putting the seeds in the soil? Did you cover the seeds with foil that does not end the moisture ??? we ask for photos? we can not imagine that no seed germinated that was in 3 years so far only happened twice but it turned out that the customer has forgotten to pour and the seeds are dried out. Or the other customer has the goods in the bedroom closet planted the goods without ventilation and without light. ;) we think that something was wrongly made without intention. Their response.