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Journal Freds new pond build

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There will be pictutes of fish and other things like plumbing. Just had it all copper piped in. By my nephew. Those pictures will be for a certin petson.he knows who it is.take care all fred
Been following this from the start and what a great project this is, and the final product is just stunning :) Great work Fred and congrats on this great build :)
London dragon.nice to hear from you mate.thanks for the kind words mate.i have tried my best. Me and my wife just love it. Its all the small stuff pond wise. Next job summer house my wifes baby.still be with this journal though.as it is part of the build.remember it was done in 3 stages.stage one and two completed. Which was walls and pond stage 3 summer house.the carpenter has just been this ladt couple of days. Watch this space best fred
photos replacing plumbing i said i would replace at later date. so its getting ready for winter frosts. all lagged.
so got rid of plastic taps and connectors. and rid of hoses. like i explained in the earlier part of the journal those where only temporary
to speed the pond fill and also to get my fish in the pond. also to test my gear. it would have been cheaper altering the hose and plastic fittings
then all the copper pipe work. as you will see with photos.:):thumbup:
brad my nephew the plumber. and one hell of a good grafter. very good rugby league player as well. laying the
pipe work. love him to death. good lad as well. also lagging pipe work.

pipe work running from back of upper pond

how it runs under ground at start,

more to come
how it ran under ground at start

all under ground

runs into filter house and to inlet on declorinator and out declorinator
2 .3 bar pressure been tested


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my trickle system notice no tap. he put one in so i can control this
its on the outlet of nexus filter to pond. so will not kill my good
bio mater in outer chamber

pipe work to drum feed

trickle now has tap

more to come
hose connection in filter house for washing down

new tap out side filter house

and finally new tap to take the place of all hozle lock fittings

thats all folks have a great week fred
So will the pond be heated? Just wondering how will stop pipes from freezing in worst winter temps as they are not very deep?

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Lcd there at the same depth as piping that have been there for 30 years.and there not lagged. These are all lagged. So I think they will be ok. Your point has been taken on board. And no I am not going heated.my fish have lived through the winters.so there used to our seasons. I did think about it. My fish are quite large now.so no need for grow on. Thanks for reply all the best fred
Hello Fred, very impressed as ever with the build. Not knocking your Nephews work in the slightest but.... If that insulation is just the regular stuff from your everyday suppliers then it is NOT suitable for external use. It is not water resistant. It will soak up water like a sponge and in the cold this will freeze. The pipe would be better left unlagged than using this stuff. You need to get Armaflex HT. Its water resistant and UV resistant. Not too much of an issue though. Just adding my input as im also a plumber.

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When my mate put a plastic water pipe, in the same indoor rated pipe insulation outside to his shed, he didn't suffer freezing, but the birds pecking at it pulling chunks away.

Not too sure if they actually flew away with what they pecked out or just dropped it in the garden or were just being spiteful for using the wrong insulation type.;) Anyway replacing with an outdoor rated insulation, which has an outer plastic shell, spoilt all the birds fun. He did suffer freezing pipes, but being plastic didn't leak when thawed.
Sk3lly thanks for your imput.i have just phoned him up. And he assures me. It is uv resistant and water proof. He said its the same stuff they use on banks scools an coucil buildings. And there work gets inspected on certain jobs. But he said to tell you thanks for looking out for me.he thought that was spot on. So cheers and thanks mate.all the best fred
Ian m . I like that a lot mate.nice story.haha.if they peck mine away.there aint a lot I can do mate. Epcept get an air gun only kidding.haha .I love birds and animals. No seriously not a lot I can do. I think if this happend to me I would never fo the lottery again. Good story though. Best fred
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I love all this imput.this is what I wanted right from the start of this journey. Its great.best fred
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