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Free Gift in Fish Bag..


17 Mar 2020

Bought some dwarf Corys a couple of weeks ago and only as we added them to the tank did we notice 3 very small fry, just 3-5mm long.
They have survived and are now about 15 -20mm long and think we can see a very slight yellow colour to their transpartent body, so assume they are Platies.
Looks like there is one female and two males, so not sure which is going to be the one to remove.

Should we take out the female to leave the two males or remove one male to leave a pair, though wonder if even 1 to 1 is going to lead to over attention and stress which might lead to infection which we do not want to affect other fish in the tank - or just remove them all before they produce any new fry !
Just add more females, likely 2 males will harass the female or two males left left together one will bully the other. Two males to at least 5 females is recommended for livebearers
Well seems our 3 Platies are not to be, one of them has literally just coloured up in the last couple of days, but the other fatter two still silver in appreanace.
It looks like the male is some type of Pencil fish ? though might be more obvoius if the two female develop some colour.
Size about 20mm total length.

Already have all male gups and endlers, niether like them.
Beginning to think the orange/black one is a different species to the two silver looking ones which have a faint tint of yellow on their tail fins, more like a platy we initially suspected.
Just so surprised to get fry of two different species in the bag with the Corys we were buying.
Hi again,

Well now over 2 months since we first saw these 3 very small fry mixed in with some other new fish and to our surprise seems they are now breeding as we have just noticed several similar fry in the tank , yet these parents are only about 35mm long.
The smaller Orage/ Black fish is about 25m. We do have Endlers in the tank but it does not associate with them.

Not the best photos, but any suggestions as to what they are ? Thought they were Platies but still seem very small to be breeding and little colouration ?
The rear abdomen of these two silver ones have two very distinct black markings when seen from that angle.




They might be Micropoecilia parae if they are not endlers. The male looks too colourful for them but I expect they are being selectively bred and hybridised so may be them. You could check google images.
I'd lean Endler or Endler Hybrid over pure Guppy because of the face shape on the female.

Would be interesting to see a shot of this male and your other endlers together to see what differences you see. I agree the dorsal fin doesn't look typical of endlers.