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Hagen elite mini diffuser


23 Jan 2010
Hello I have pressurised co2 running with a Hagen elite mini filter after reading its cheap and very effective. But . . . I was wounding is there any modification I could do to make it even better at diffusing. I was thinking a small house maybe 1-2 inches in length coming out from filter unit and have a sponge in this house to make the bubble even smaller ?. Any other suggestions ?
open it up and take out the impeller. with a hot needle make the impeller blades look like swiss cheese, but not so many holes that it will weaken and break.

you can also split the impeller blades lengthwise down the middle and bend them slightly away from each other giving you more blades to smash up more co2...
I think little internal filters are the un-sung heroes of co2 diffusion, I have a little Sera one in my tank connected to DIY bottle. It has a spray bar on which I position vertically, this has the added bonus of holding the bubbles a little while longer before expelling them which are finer than the glass ceramic diffuser I have and also creates a bit of water movement in a shady corner of the tank.
Im liking the idea of making " Double " the amount of blades on the impeller by cutting them in half and bending them, Very smart :). Will this increase power ? Also I have made it more effective already :) but will definitely do them impaler blades :). I will post a picture of what I have done. Bare with me its not the prettiest thing but the bubbles are sooooooo small nearly 100% diffusion, I would guess 97% :). Yes they are amazin at diffuing the bubbles but on the other hand they also push them round the tank unlike the ceramic diffuser.
i cant take the credit for that coz i saw it on the barrreport...

i dont think it will increase the power as the blade size effectively stays the same surface area, to increase the power you need to add more blades or bigger blades...

do you have the sponge from the inside on the outside? if so you can replace the sponge with a finer one. also putting a powerhead above it so any bubbles that do escape get sucked into the powerhead, broken up and dissolved even more and then blown around the tank!
yep the one from the inside of the filter. Yh I guess I could change it for a finer one but at the moment it seems to be fine. Can you get impeller with more blades on them for the filter?