Happy New Year to 1 and all.
Remane once said that salt water was the bed that aquatic plants like to lay on, get their photosyntay on
He also said that freshwater plants were excluded from brackish water in the Baltic sea, they didn't have the right ID.
But was Remane right? Some Scientists would fight
They'd say Remane was smoking, and high as a kite.
Not 1 of mine this time, it was written by The Calm
Remane once said that salt water was the bed that aquatic plants like to lay on, get their photosyntay on
He also said that freshwater plants were excluded from brackish water in the Baltic sea, they didn't have the right ID.
But was Remane right? Some Scientists would fight
They'd say Remane was smoking, and high as a kite.
Not 1 of mine this time, it was written by The Calm