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Hi no Yama

In my experience 1 2 grow.....well grow really quickly for the first couple weeks and you will probably double you plant mass :)

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Glassware has turned up, stoked.
Custom charges almost more than what I paid, not so stoked... Guess buying plants is going to have to wait.
Custom charges almost more than what I paid, not so stoked...

That's a bummer :( I fairly recently bought a UP branded Attomizer from China for £20 and expected a customs charge to follow, was pretty amazed when the package turned up on my doorstop with no additional charges!! :cool:
Yes i've been stung before buying R/C car/aeroplane bits from over the pond lol :mad:
Likewise, ordered a few things from overseas for aquariums and have paid duties before too - guess I just got lucky this time round :)
Glassware. 13mm in/outs, thermometer, inline diffuser and bubble counter. And suckers.



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Hi Curvball, Nice glass ware :cool: :cool: Hows the DSM coming on :)

Thanks. DSM was stopped due to mould, lost all the HC.

Jumping in with the HC was probably my own fault, a little too ambitious too soon into my planted tank career.

Tomorrow the tank will see some Monte Carlo - might suit my needs (and lack of experience with plants) better.

Will post some updates again tomorrow.
Thanks. DSM was stopped due to mould, lost all the HC.

Jumping in with the HC was probably my own fault, a little too ambitious too soon into my planted tank career.

Tomorrow the tank will see some Monte Carlo - might suit my needs (and lack of experience with plants) better.

Will post some updates again tomorrow.
Hi, The mould Could be down too lack of air circulation in the tank ,You should always leave a gap so air can flow in.And mist spray with water with a drip of ferts in once or twice a day :) Ho and clean the moisture of the glass every couple of days or the substrate could become too wet. Better just moist than too damp ;)