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IAPLC 2013 - Results are out!

Are you entering the IAPLC 2013?

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Really big congratulations to all that entered :clap:
Impressive stuff from Stu again, an absolute beauty, fish and photo superb!
Ed, the equipment may have been in, but who can see a polar bear in a blizzard??? 😉
Some great tanks and photos all round, and a very well deserved place from Iain with Barb Island imo :thumbup:
Great representation all round 🙂

Heres mine ranked 1006, work still to do for next years....but its all part of the fun 😀


Here's mine, ranked 423. My best result yet!


I spent about 45 mins preparing the tank and lighting and camera equipment only to realise after that I left the top left side exposed! And I already put all the equipment back! The patches of moss below the stones were transplanted from my other 120cm tank for the photoshoot as I previously overdosed Excel and killed all the Riccia that was there. It didn't even have fish in it, I caught the cardinal tetras from my other tank too :shh:
Well done to all those who entered, some amazing tanks from the UKAPS members.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
Congratulations to all, Stu did it again 🙂Huge thanks to Mark Ewans it is his picture. Thanks for all congratulations my way. Apparently you can make into 100 even with the equipment in the tank :hungry:
I have mixed feelings. One side is of course very happy, the other is surprised. I entered just for fun. The picture was taken at aquatics live without any preparation etc. even with the lilies in the tank. Thankfully lilies are washed out by white.
Definitely did not expect to be that high but very happy in the end. I did like the scape a lot though especially at its prime at aquatics live.

No way, you entered one of the pictures that Mark took? I was there on the day, and it was as low tech support as could be, no fancy flashes, a board at the back that Juri was holding, and I am not even sure there was a tripod..

True marks for the scape and the photographer.. Superb result...
Just got back off holiday only be astonished to see my entry at 380. Looking at the other entries on here i think the world has gone a little mad while i was away.

Very well done to all who entered and brilliant results for those who made the top 200.

barb island iaplc 380 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr
It's a quality scape Iain, no need to be astonished.
So I saw the no1# tank on the Viet boards, there is not a single plant or fish view able in the picture. International Aquatic plant layout contest?
Without plants or fish? The tank could be empty or set up 1 hour ago. Suiseki? Yes, nice, well done, nothing ground breaking or oh and ah over, classic styling if you like Suiseki.
But I do not put my white pine in a fish tank and call it a scape, at least the pine is a plant:what:

I had less and less respect for the judging and the contest in the recent years, I think this totally did it in for me. All the rock scapes done by Rift people and aquarist who have never kept plants have plenty of great examples also, but they are not aquatic horticulturalist.
I love suiseki personally. Other tanks that were visually ground breaking did poorly.

Most of the tanks placed well that deserved it, but........no plants and fish? WTF?
Well done all, especially to Stu and Ed! 🙂

UK Results -

82 - Stu Worrall
86 - Eduard Gercog
158 - James Starr-Marshall
175 - Tony Swinney
380 - Iain Sutherland
432 - Damien Zysk
523 - Andrew Mack
626 - Ian Holdich
766 - George Farmer
826 - Andrew Ward
1564 - Ted Eales
1647 - Gary Nelson
1658 - Mike Appleby
1680 - Tim Harrison

Apologies if I've missed any - I thought there were 21 UK entries.

George, you are going to have to bow to Stu, Iain, Tony, Ian now🙂
George, you are going to have to bow to Stu, Iain, Tony, Ian now🙂
Oh, I've been bowing to those guys for ages already.

In all seriousness it's great to see the standard of UK aquascaping improving and indeed reflected by great results like these. 🙂
So I saw the no1# tank on the Viet boards, there is not a single plant or fish view able in the picture. International Aquatic plant layout contest??

This is almost unbelivable. I saw lots of pictures from the first 100 that aren't better then most that made planes after 1000.
Well... Keep trying... or not 🙂