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My New 15L Opti Nano Nº1

Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

Thanks guys :)

George Farmer said:
Superb shrimp shots mate! Looks like you've got to grips with the flash. What's the set-up?
Hi George, its the same old setup mate, just downloaded some software to try and fix the issues I am having with the Konica-Minolta 5D, improved a little but still having major focusing issues with it, for every 50 shots I get half a dosen in focus, which is a nightmare. Was trying the Wireless flash Minolta 3600HS with the opti-white for macro, which I haven't tried before.
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

Some great pics! The shrimp in the 3rd pic is a beauty!

So are you using a wireless triggered flash above the tank for these?
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

Could your camera be back-focusing? I had a A100, which was basically a KM5D and it backfocused on a few lenses, especially at wide-open apertures where the lack of DOF brutally exposes focusing errors.
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

andyh said:
So are you using a wireless triggered flash above the tank for these?
Hi Andy, I use the camera flash and also a wireless flash over the top of the tank, the internal flash triggers the external.

flygja said:
Could your camera be back-focusing? I had a A100, which was basically a KM5D and it backfocused on a few lenses, especially at wide-open apertures where the lack of DOF brutally exposes focusing errors.
Interesting, I have read a few forums about the KM5D and they say it has to be returned to Sony to get fixed. Apparently a defect that develops after using the camera for a while.
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

Quick video taken last night with my new digital camera, was just a quick test need to play around with the settings a little more:

Thanks for looking :)
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

B7fec said:
Great video, just afew shrimp there....... :lol:
What the white food they're eating?
Thanks :) they are eating Sera Shrimp pellets.
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

ghostsword said:
Your tank looks pretty cool...
Do you use filtration?
Thanks Luis, I am using an hang filter at present, the Niagara 300.

Full tank shot:

Over looking, even have a couple of plants growing on it lol:
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

ghostsword said:
cool looking.. What plant is that growing on the filter?
Not sure about the name, got it from Living Waters, Darren threw it in the bag of shrimp I got when I was there. I have now replaced it with a fern, I can take some photos later to show it, looks much better, not sure if the fern will survive in it, will wait and see.
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

Hi all,
Very nice, the plant in the HOB looks like Hygrophila corymbosa "siamensis" (Syn. Nomaphila stricta) it is a good emergent and has pretty mauve flowers. I've still got a bit of it in the "RCS and Moss" tank, but it used to be magnificent when I had the over-tank planted trickle filters set up in the lab.
cheers Darrel
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

I think Darrel could be right. I do remember its a type of Hygrphila as it grows emersed from one of the tanks at Living waters.
Re: My New 15L Opti Nano

Been a while since an update, here is how the tank looks at present, just noticed today I have a sole green shrimp survivor, how do you breed with just one :(



This one is for Matt, he asked for a close up of the fern inside the hang on filter:


Some close up of the cherries in this tank:






Macro lens, plus macro filters added to the lens:



That's about it for now, thanks for looking :)


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Don't know the actual name, I have the tag at home I will post it later, its a variety of Microsorum that I purchased in IKEA, I removed the pot and the plant has nothing on its roots, just the rihzone placed inside the filter, I can remove it easily too, to clean the filter and just put it back afterwards.
Hi all,
I'm very interested in the fern as well, looks very impressive.
I don't know what it is, but it looks a bit like the Mangrove Fern Acrostichum aureum from "Hydrophytes" Riparium thread, but I'm not sure.



Another possibility would be Bolbitis asiatica or heteroclita, but again not quite right.

Possibly an Asplenium?, looks a bit like it might be but I have no idea of which one.

cheers Darrel