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NayR's Opti-Nano: UPDATED PICS (16-01-11)


4 Feb 2010
Hello guys and gals.

My Nano has been running for just over a month, great bit of kit
I hope I can do it justice and produce a real nice scape that not only
lightens up my room and gives me viewing pleasure but also inspires
some of the newer members to the forum like myself. :)

Anyways on to the facts 8)

Tank: 30cmLxforgotxwill measure in the morning. Frosted backdrop.
Light: 18watt Superfish clip on.
Filter: Fluval 105 + CAL AQUA Lillys.
Co2: Dennerle Nano set + DOAQUA diffuser.
Ferts: ADA.
Substrate: ADA Power sand special S + ADA amazonia powder.

Fauna: 7 very red cherries, possibly an otto soon.
Flora: Xmas moss, E.hydropiper, Hydrocolyte, hair grass of some sort
and B.japonica


Photo period is 10hours, Co2 comes on an hour before lights on and shuts of an hour
Before lights out. Dosing regime consists of 1pump of Brightly K and 1pump of Green Brightly step 1
and at water change I add 2 drops of Green bacter and 2 drops of Phyton-git. Seems to be working fine
for me.

The theme was Nature aquarium, as you gathered from the lack of stems it wasn't gunna be dutch
:D how ever I don't think I've quite cracked the classical amano style, I'm happy with it and sure it'll mature nicely
I'm still changing things up and I'm looking to add some dwarf Riccia, Flame moss, Hc and possibly
a stem if anyone has ideas.

Now for a teaser picture and ill upload the rest after work tomorrow.


As close as yourll get to hand feeding a shrimp....so much more wild than hand feeding a big cichlid haha

Thanks for looking

Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

Blyxa looking good mate :)
Nice healthy looking cherry :)
Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

Looks sweet mate, looking forward to some REAL pics :lol: Great kit list too.

Amano uses mega lighting over like 10 hours in some of his nanos according to the data Luis. As long as you've got the CO2 to match I'm sure its fine. I wouldn't want your CO2 bill though Ryan for those little cartridges :lol:
Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

Cheers Rik, I havnt forgotten about your moss hahha.

Luis the light is long but its working, I'm militant with water changes. co2 and lights are on a timer and I dose at the same time everyday its running clockwork and so far no problems and nice lush growth.

Thanks NeilW, the small canisters get eastern up quick time. I'm going to get the bits together and sell the reg stand ect from this, it would be great for a little tank with less lengthy lighting period or a low tech tank, but I need to set up a FE thingy majig

Really want to do a UG carpet but have a feeling its just not gunna work so going to go HC. more pics tonight.
I hope you guys aren't expecting an Aquajournal standard tank :( haha well not yet :)

Thanks guys

Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

some over due shots :clap:

here some shots of the setting up process.


ADA special sand super s and ADA amazonia 1 powder.


fully coverd the sand s, if i could start from scratch i would of placed something in the sand to stop it leveling out
theres still a slopebut it was a reaaaal big slope at this stage, now its just a gradiual slope lol.


rock added, xmas moss tied to a few bits on manzanita i broke off from the large bits in my cichlid tank :shh:
the layout has changed now. but yourll see in some pics soon.


Heres the right side of the tank,showing good moss growth and blyxa background. i have bought some more hairgrass so thisll be taking its place. i really wish id pushed the rocks back abit more, but hey doesnt look too sad.


left side, very dirty intake, i bought a spring washer so thatll be a different story from now on 8) that hairgrass has stayed really really low and has spread across the back quite abit and around the rock just wish itd grow taller at the back.


i really like this shot, as you can see the e.hydropipers not really playing ball, i have 3 pots of HC to go here and thatll be done today (sunday), with pics to follow.

thanks again for looking guys :thumbup:

critique and comments welcome.

Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

The wood looks really nice and i also like the layout. I noticed you spilled some of the aquasoil :lol: Can i ask were did you get the blyxa it soo green and lush :D
Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

Cheers Krish, the wood took forever to layout , I didn't want thin little twigs that I couldnt wrap moss to and the bigger bits where hard to position. I'm sooo tempted to move things around. I think a lot of scapes mine included look so 'forced' something nature is not,

Spilled 'some' I spilled a lot! Haha I made a pile on a carrier bag and left it on the floor whilst I was messing around in the kitchen, at the time my puppy wasn't house trained and took a nice long wee all over it :) greeeeeat! Haha.
Once thing ill say Krish is make sure you put a real decent layer of aqua soil over the power sand as I found bits bopping out constantly where the shrimps rummage and I've moved things around.

Im having a switch-a-roo tonight so there could be some Blyxa free'd up for you mate, I noticed your wanted thread :) I got it from Rik 8) initially.

Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

190 views and only 3 comments :( lol cooooome on peeps.

Replaced the E.hydropiper with HC. Got 3 pots only took 1 and half to plant it quite densely, so the other half pot went into an immersed setup and the pot left over I'm looking to trade, not sure what for though :/ maybe some p.helferi? Also looking for anubus nana or petite...are they the same plant haha? I think it'll add a different shape to things.

Sorry Krish no Blyxa yet but ill be sure to keep you in mind when I thin it out mate.

Some more pics to follow

Thanks people, Ryan.
Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

I personally think it looks really good a front shot of it planted would be beneficial though.

I'd go with hc, there's a erason E. Hydropiper isn't more common, it's because it's exceptionally difficult.
Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

I'm trying to upload a shot from my phone now, I registered my blackberry with my email address and it send me every single comment like or photo I'd been tagged in on my facebook every haha. So trying to find another way because that sucked hard.

Should be done by tomorrow.

And hey...I've seen journals on here with no pictures get a better response haha :D

Thanks garuf your journals started pretty sweet, cost effective and looks great.
Re: NayR's Opti-Nano: Mi Hermano

Cheers bob I've sorted it now mate :thumbup:

Righty ooooon things have been going so well! I run out of co2 about 2 days after my initial posting of this journal, so lowered the lighting by 2 hours. NO alqae at all!! I really can't believe how problem free this tank is.

I'm now adding 1ml of TPN+ on top of the ada stuff, plants responding well and water is crystal clear with no surface scum/film.

I am sorting out FE co2 at the moment should have all the gear by the end of the week, and that's when ill be removing the moss carpet and starting a HC carpet... :D when that's fully matured I'm going to get a ADA tank the 60cm but I don't know what I height I might go longer and shallow but will decide later in the year.

On with the pics

Tank a week after planting


Tanks as of yesterday


Little artsy shot haha


Shrimp :)


More shrimp


Finally a shot with the in/out flow pipes gone

Sorry if the pictures aren't great I don't have a laptop or internet access at the moment so I'm taking pictures from my phone onto Photobucket and then onto here so don't know how they look a proper screen.

I'm waitiing for the P.helferi to thicken up n get a nice bushy dense look and I maye remove the mossy wood on the right and replace with more blyxa and helferi. I trimmed the Hairgrass haaaaard just over a week ago n the new growth looks great so once that's at a decent hight again the back ground will look much better.....oh and I need to shape the riccia so it flows from 4ground to moss :D

Cheers people.
nayr88 said:

Don't despair, people are reading. it seems comments are rarer these days then they used to be. :?

I can't wait to see your moss when you add the CO2. Looks like shrimp heaven in there just now.

Good work.

Best Regards,
cheers Tony, yeah my sleeping pattern is all over the place haha. i reeeeeally cant waitto set up the fe the moss carpet will be moved to my sisters tank (journal to follow) and ill be trying a hc carpet :)

i know what you mean hijac just looking for some comments haha, it looks alot better in the flesh my blackberyy camera really doesnt do it justice :( and i seem to be forever trimming moss as it is haha!! let alone when i get a decent bit of co2 going on.

cheers guys
nayr88 said:
And hey...I've seen journals on here with no pictures get a better response haha

and I've seen journals with lots of pics and vids get a worse responses than you...get used to it 8)

forums are quiet these days. Don't take it to heart.
Mark Evans said:
and I've seen journals with lots of pics and vids get a worse responses than you...

like mine lol.

the tank looks great mate, I love the moss on the wood, and those cherry shrimp are incredibly red.

cheers :D