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New tank - new fish advice gratefully received


25 Jan 2011
I just got "permission" for the OH to upgrade my current 60l (I say my- it was the kids really!!!) to a 120-H (120x45x60).  Its not arrived yet, but I thought I'd indulge myself thinking about what to put in it, and there's nothing better than advice from experts!

I intend to have a hi-tech panted tank on aquasoil with red moor root and a few stones, with an area of sand.  My water is v hard, pH out of the tap around 8 and I don't intend to use RO water.

I already have harlequins and red cherry Shrimp to go in.  I'd like a shoal or two of Corys (I like cory hastatus for the mid level and cory julii but definitely flexible on this). I think it would be great to have a another shoal of colourful small fish in addition possibly cardinals, though having seen Mark Evans' journal (sorry - not sure how to link on the iPad) I like the look of the penguin tetras.  Any other recommendations much appreciated as most likely I will be restricted to what the LFS has in stock! 

In addition to these i'd really like a few showpiece fish, possibly larger ones. Angels would be great but from I understand they're mostly incompatible with every other option unless I get lucky!!  I like the look of apistos or kribs, but not sure what other options might look great and fit in.

I'd really appreciate any advice you guys might have.


I guess you have some time to decide especially if you intend to cycle the tank fishless?
Most fish are fine to live in hard water just not breed in hard water, your plants wont mind either.
A lot of us like to keep shrimps as they are great at eating nuisance algae but something like an angle would just eat them!
Calzone said:
I intend to have a hi-tech panted tank on aquasoil with red moor root and a few stones, with an area of sand.  My water is v hard, pH out of the tap around 8 and I don't intend to use RO water.

Sounds almost as hard as the tap water here... Having injected CO2 will bring your pH level down a bit.

Personally - get your tank planted and growing before you put in any fish as they'll not be very chuffed with you keep disturbing the substrate etc if you have to replant any bits or move stuff around.

Tetras (especially the larger ones) will see your shrimp as tasty little morsels, so make sure you have some decent cover & plants for them to hide in. Neon's are a safer bet than Cardinals on this front. Some Amano Shrimp (which are bigger so less likely to be eaten) are always a good addition as they have a slightly more diverse algae diet than RCS's.

Have you thought about any of the smaller gourami? Honey/red honey are pretty nice. Hatchet fish are a really unique top-level addition.

Angel fish are nasty little ****** 😉
Thanks for the advice. I expect most LFS stock is tank bred and therefore hardy enough provided stress is minimised and water is clean.

I will look into gouramis. Some of them do look very nice. It's not just looks though, interesting behaviours are great too.
after all, watching the tank is what it's for!!
I suggest that you select and get your selection of plants in there as well as see them start rooting before adding fish. This establishes your cycle and gets your nutrient removal patterns going before you have to subject fish to any swings. One the PH and other parameters are constant then there is less stress on any fish you add

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N1l-H4N ... AAAAAAAEAA