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picking the right fish for a planted tank!

27 Oct 2009
Just had to watch a kribensis totally tear apart my hair grass lawn I've been trying to grow for six months! Bummer, a lesson for us all here. You never know where your tank enemy is coming from next.
I think Keyhole cichlid's are fairly easy on plant's.
Pretty much any Apistogramma would be good too.

At least they didn't eat the stuff. I've had whole pots of it disappear overnight before!
Kribs will sift substrate and disturb plants but they don't eat them and if you replant them they might well not remove them after. All cichlids do not damage, eat or dig up plants. Very few cichlids are herbivorous (but many are omnivorous and will nibble them) and all most cichlids are doing when people say they are being destructive is arrnaging their territory (your tank) to be to their liking or trying to find food. This is what you get for stocking territorial fish I'm afraid.

I've kept various species of Pelvicachromis, Apistogramma and other dwarf cichlids along with Tanganyikan and Malawi cichlids and have had plants in all those tanks so persevere.

These are the offenders, to be fair on them the don't bother the plants that much just nibble now and again. It was one of them moment when I was gazing into the tank and just thinking I need to trim that hairgrass down a bit and a bit of food got lodged in amongst them. The female krib went nuts and just ragged the whole lot up.