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right move or schoolboy error ?


27 Apr 2010
came home from work this evening , and figured i needed to do some maintainence on the tank , ie some trimming . the Gymnocoronis spilanthoides was near the surface , but very skinny looking . not unhealthy , but needs to bush out ( all the leaves/growth nerer the tops ) . with this i removed it , trimmed some from the bottom of the stem by a node where there were water roots , snipped off the tips and re-planted . with the limnophila aquatica i was much more aggressive. i thinned it right out , and the stems i kept , i uprooted , and cut off the bottoms with the old emersed growth , and kept and re-planted the tops with the lovely healthy new submerged growth .

was this a good or bad thing to do ? probably should have asked 1st , but i came over all impulsive .
cheers george , glad to know i hadnt gone too mad 🙂 things seem to be growing pretty well , so im sure it will reward me in time