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Wow... Awesome! This Fissidens is really incredible. Congratulations, an excellent example of what can be done without using co2.

Hi Ian,

Stunning little breeding setups!
do you use any form of co2 in the tanks?
Hey all, thanks for positive comments :)
I'm have been pretty pleased with these tanks up to now, they have been abused and neglected and just keep of thriving! Unfortunately the right hand one looks taty now as the shrimp are eating all the microsorum new growth so it hadn't re established since the big trim months ago... So it's time for it to go.
The left hand one also suffers a bit from BBA, I'm pretty sure it's because this tank always has surface film. It has the bigger filter but it seems to sit lower in the water and visually has less flow. Once I break down the right hand one I'll swop the filters to see what happens.

They are still both no tech... No co2, little ferts, low light etc... Just lots of added patience!

Thinking coral pellia and OEBT in the new one :)

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Long over due update....

So this tank has now been running for 32 months!! Same substrate, plants and shrimp. Currently only had 2 water changes in the last 9 months since moving house and yet the shrimp still breed although not prolifically. No ferts, Tds 190ish.


Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Wow, wow, wow, beautiful tank. Love the plant in the filter.
Love it! What about a FTS of the large tank that can be seen in the first pic? It looks great also!

will be doing an update on the paludarium sometime real soon..... might even knock out a video :eek:
Lovely shrimp and tanks, is there any updates on the shrimp? Have you decided to move on to breeding taitibees?

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So it's time for this one to go...

It's amazing that it was set up 4 and a half years ago and in the last 12 months it hasn't had a water change ( I think it might of only had two changes in the last 3 years when I moved) just rainwater top ups.
The Eheim liberty hob filter has never been cleaned, it wouldn't fill a tea cup in an hour now the flow is so low, being clogged up with ficus doesn't help.
Even more amazingly is that the Tds is 322 and the shrimp are still breeding.
Now this isn't to say you should keep tai bees like this as I'm of no doubt the mortality rate of juvilines is high, likely due to low gh.
Also anyone that tells you to change your shrimp soil each year is likely the one selling the stuff...
So here is a picture from tonight and one of the fresh tank all this one will be moved into in the coming weeks, as soon as I finish the tile grouting!


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New tank looks awesome :)

What substrate did you use this time ;)

If you see photos/video from commercial breeders (in Asia) no “special” soils in view, mostly bare tanks, some various assorted substrates, maybe some (special?) leaves & whatnot ... all very basic looking but for the masses of stunning shrimp :wideyed:

Great to see you back :D
New tanks is looking awesome!

You must have a hard time cleaning that kitchen splashback that seems have multiple areas of grout and surface area for the oils to collect!
New tank looks awesome :)

What substrate did you use this time ;)

Hi, I'm not entirely sure, was from my old iwagumi which I think was a mix of tropica soil and amazonia powder.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
New tanks is looking awesome!

You must have a hard time cleaning that kitchen splashback that seems have multiple areas of grout and surface area for the oils to collect!

Haha, I'm having an even harder time grouting the edges! I'm sure cleaning it will be fine

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Lovely...4 years..that's nature aquarium.

Low tech is the way to go to do that...never maintained my high tech planted tank more than one year, after that it always became an overgrown mess...