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The Primordial Code


16 Apr 2015
Nice documentary from a Dutch Journalist Marijn Poels...

As the title says, what is this Primordial code? He investigates history and the present and looks at ancient achievements and lost knowledge... What did we obviously know back then, why is this knowledge lost... How could we evolve so smart and at the same time become so stupid? How and why in this evolution did humanity lose touch with nature? We are from this earth, we need this earth and this earth needs us. But we act as if we aren't... Aren't we?

Unprejudged he takes facts, so-called fiction, conspiracies and beliefs into account and how all this might connect to the lost and or hidden primordial code in our Nature and DNA. It seems once it was an active code why and how did it go to sleep, can we awaken it and switch it back on?

The maker of the above documentary was initially inspired by the book "The Primeval Code"

A scientific book about the Swiss researchers' Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch from the pharmaceutical company Ciba-Geigy.

In the 1980's they did Lab experiments with plant seeds, spores and fish eggs to expose them to a high-voltage static forcefield. They found out the seeds and spores germinated a lot sooner than in normal conditions and the most interesting thing was a fern spore that germinated like this grew into a different fern. The fern was shown to several botanists and no one was able to identify it. Its features and growth form (leaf shape) could only be compared with long-extinct ferns from ancient fossil finds.

They did the same with Trout eggs from normally cultivated rainbow trout, the result was astonishing the trout from this batch all grew bigger, more colourful, and behaved more actively and wild and adult males grew a bigger lower hooked jaw similar to the salmon.

This circumstantial evidence generated the idea that they might have triggered a process that woke up a primaeval DNA code, hence the title of the book.

Many other plant seeds that were exposed to this static forcefield all grew into different-looking plants that grew bigger carried more and bigger different-shaped and better-tasting fruit, needed less fertilizer and were resistant to most known diseases and parasites. Since the pharmaceutical company, Ciba-Geigy funded this research and also produced Herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers, they halted the research, patented the technique and suppressed publicity about the research results.

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