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Time for a new scape (The End)


3 May 2009
Surrey UK
Hi all

After spending the last 9 months learning how to grow plants and not grow algae 😀 , with the help of you guys and gals, I feel the time has come to take the plunge and I have decided to tackle a scape.

Here's what my original tank looked like.

As you can see (I hope), it was a right mish mash of plants, but at least they were healthy :lol:.
Needless to say, your advice and critiques will be more than welcome 😀 .
Now off to upload the rest of the photos.

Re: Time for a new scape

Hi all

Well here goes.
First off I had to temporarily rehome the fish. Not very graceful, I know. But functional 😀

I decided to keep one of the filters running so I could reuse it on the new set up.

Then had to rehouse the shrimp.
Catching these was a bit of a mission. I didn't realise how many babies there were. I'd only ever seen 2 babies at one time 😳 03-ShrimpsTemporaryHome.jpg

Not much waste from these critters so I figured no filter would be OK in the short term.
Ironically, whilst the other half was planting her free plants (you can see the stand of this tank in the pic, complete with blue gravel 🙄 ), one of her Harlequins decided to take a running jump and landed straight in the shrimps new home :lol:

Re: Time for a new scape

On to the layout.
I decided to have a go with a rock layout. Although it has to be said it's not up to the standard of some of the tanks I"ve seen round here 😳

After many hours of playing with rocks, (the other half thinks there's something wrong with me :lol:),
I finally came up with this

It's difficult to judge from the above photo the slope involved, so I took a shot from the only other place I can see into the tank (from the right hand side) to try and give you some idea.


As you can see, I'm not the tidiest worker on the block :lol: .

Re: Time for a new scape

I can assure you, when i have fish waiting and a filter just sitting there, when i re-scape, i make much more of a mess :lol:
Re: Time for a new scape

On to the plants.
I have decided for a first scape not to get too complex with the planting and settled on only three plants for simplicity.
I have chosen Microsorum pteropus, Cryptocoryne balansae and Eleocharis acicularis, inspired by a certain Japanese fella :lol:

First of all, splitting up the E. acicularis

1 pot

Some 2 and a half hours and 10 pots later :shock:

What a tedious task that was :lol:

Re: Time for a new scape

The finished article, tank filled


After seeking advice round here, I have now cut all the E. acicularis down to about 1" high.
Wish I'd done that whilst it was still in the pots 😳 . We live and learn.

Re: Time for a new scape

Hi all

AdAndrews said:
looks great.
Thanks Adam. Hopefully it will look better when it's grown in.

Occupants finally rehomed in their new residence with mature filter refitted.


and finally a shot from the right hand end


Re: Time for a new scape

Nice work, fish in already.....lucky you!! Will look nice once filled.
Re: Time for a new scape

Hi tko187
tko187 said:
Nice work, fish in already.....lucky you!!

That's one of the advantages of keeping 1 filter running on the fishes temporary home. That filter on it's own is more than big enough for filtration for that tank and it was well mature before I started 😀 .
This method has worked for me in the past on various low tech set ups and even a Discus tank, although this is the first time I've tried it on a hi tech set up 😳 .
We'll have to wait and see. I'm sure I'll get a visit from Mr. Algae if I've got it wrong :lol:

Re: Time for a new scape

Hi all

Update at the end of week 1.
No major dramas with this tank except all my Crypts melted 🙁 .
I have chopped them right down to substrate level and new leaves are appearing on all of them already 😀
The E. acicularis is going nuts after receiving some sound planting advice from Tonser. So my thanks to Tonser for that 😀 .
I have to say I'm astonished at the growth rate of some of the E. acicularis, some strands of it have grown 2" in a week :shock:

So some pics

E. acicularis showing early signs of spreading 😀
You wouldn't believe all of this was cut down to 1" 7 days ago.

Shot from the right hand end of the tank, growing in well

Finally, an out of focus Crypt, at the back, that was chopped down to substrate level, showing signs of new growth.

All that in it's first week of life 😀
