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TMC Sig 600 Twinstar 600s Sump build

Is that stainless steel mesh in the tank ? just to ask but what is the brown staining on the mesh ?
Did you use the mixed solution I sent you? Did the fish react with that? If you didn't use it try using that until we find out why your mixes are going funny.

Can you remind me how much you are dosing? How long the photoperiod is and the CO2 on/offs.

I have a 140ltr setup pretty similar in terms of size. If I were running your tank I would probably be using circa 6-8ml daily, 8 hour photoperiod and CO2 would come on 1 hour before lights and off 3 hours before the end of lights.

On your mix, can you use an old squash bottle or something? Change the container you are using. 1 litre squash bottles are ideal. I mix it in the same bottle, close the lid, keep shaking andn open/close the lid to release any pressure, until it is all mixed in.

Try using your tap water instead of the DI that you bought. I have had some DI before that wasn't right.

Obviously something going wrong if the ones I sent you are still black. They were made up at the same time as the packs you have used there so only difference is the container and the water.

Will mix up a new batch again yeah - use your original ones you mean or?

I will use a closed bottle.

Yeah odd I have two bottles of it but if it’s sat in the shelves for ages perhaps? Not sure will use tap water next time...

Fish still not right but other thread I have going we have realized my water is very soft indeed so minerals could react with it easier and change params.

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Will mix up a new batch again yeah - use your original ones you mean or?

I will use a closed bottle.

Yeah odd I have two bottles of it but if it’s sat in the shelves for ages perhaps? Not sure will use tap water next time...

Fish still not right but other thread I have going we have realized my water is very soft indeed so minerals could react with it easier and change params.

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Use the bottles I sent first. My fert sits in the cupboard for eons. Doesn't go that colour. I am wondering if either there is a contaminant in the DI water or that the container you are using is leeching anything/possibly air exposure causing the problem.

I'll read the other thread. BEfore reading I can;t see it being a cause for reacting with the fertiliser. We already know something is happening to the mixture before it gets near soft water or tank when mixed with the DI water.
I've posted in your other thread. I have no solution as such. Just your water report confuses me. You have ultra soft water (2dKH) yet your average Ph is 8.42 (drinking water quality.) I've linked to your water report in there so someone can help you on that one.
I've just read a tad from your other tread. wow over thinking it.. its a water chemistry thread.. your doing allot of water changes..
it's not possible for things to stablize. also what are you measuring your tank water with ?
sorry I missed that.. OK reading again and you had a nice planted tank before with the same water.. then it has to be something you have changed or doing different. look back at pics.. work backwards.. your water is pants but you proved you can use it..
Just another thought. I see you mention you are autodosing. Would you be able to manually dose from the bottles and syringes I sent you. Just to make sure that you know exactly what is going into the tank. If you can't dose daily then just dose whatever day multiples, so if you miss 2 days then dose 3x on the 3rd etc.

I also read that in your other tank you had no problem with the water. The main difference I can tell between the tanks other than size is filtration. On the other tank you mention you are using a large filter and on this one you are using a sump. I guess substrate could also be a factor. This 600 does seem to have a very thin substrate across the carpet area. I am assuming you are using the same type of rock in them both as they look similar.

I think what we are looking at over the 2 threads are 2 different problems occurring at the same time. I don;t think they are related. The fert problem you are having is happening outside of the tank and the fish problem seems to be due to the tank balance in that tank. My suggestion above is more to try and help alleviate how the tank condition gets while you sort out the problem with the fish especially if the CO2 is going off for a while.

I would think the fish problem is one for the water chemistry experts on here, seeing as they are still reacting this way with the CO2 off. Water chemistry is not my specialist subject by a long way 🙂
I've posted in your other thread. I have no solution as such. Just your water report confuses me. You have ultra soft water (2dKH) yet your average Ph is 8.42 (drinking water quality.) I've linked to your water report in there so someone can help you on that one.

I have ultra soft water mate yeah. Where did you get my average Ph from? Was that my reading from the tank though? I mean my nano is pretty stable but ratios are different - more rock to water and more substrate to water ratios.

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I'd check into that a bit more..

You think it could affect the fish? I mean it’s such a small amount and would take ages to pollute it when I’m changing so much. Odd though as it’s stainless steel.

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Just another thought. I see you mention you are autodosing. Would you be able to manually dose from the bottles and syringes I sent you. Just to make sure that you know exactly what is going into the tank. If you can't dose daily then just dose whatever day multiples, so if you miss 2 days then dose 3x on the 3rd etc.

I also read that in your other tank you had no problem with the water. The main difference I can tell between the tanks other than size is filtration. On the other tank you mention you are using a large filter and on this one you are using a sump. I guess substrate could also be a factor. This 600 does seem to have a very thin substrate across the carpet area. I am assuming you are using the same type of rock in them both as they look similar.

I think what we are looking at over the 2 threads are 2 different problems occurring at the same time. I don;t think they are related. The fert problem you are having is happening outside of the tank and the fish problem seems to be due to the tank balance in that tank. My suggestion above is more to try and help alleviate how the tank condition gets while you sort out the problem with the fish especially if the CO2 is going off for a while.

I would think the fish problem is one for the water chemistry experts on here, seeing as they are still reacting this way with the CO2 off. Water chemistry is not my specialist subject by a long way 🙂

Yeah I was autodosing but switched to manual for a while. I’ve stopped altogether currently but I think I’m going to lose all the plants too if I’m not careful.

I have a very deep Amazonia in the back right though to counteract the other bits but you’re right the front is shallow.

Yeah changes are as I mentioned earlier in the thread really mate:
Coral sand
Less ratios for rock and substrate
Much larger nitrification area
Less established plant growth - javafern is largely the whole middle area and that’s still ‘adapting’ with tones of die off
Much larger water volumes

So there is quite a fluctuation there between the tanks.

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if the stainless steel doesn't have sufficient chromium in it it will rust. Ensure you buy marine grade mesh mate as this will have the required chromium to prevent the rusting/ staining.
dump coral sand.. remove..( I know)
remove mesh..
stop adding anything to the tank..
6 hour light..
also reduce intensity..
stop water changes.. your adding co2 chlorine the other 1 Claro something.. every time you change water also you change every thing else.. ppm.. tds.. ph.. kh.. leave it be..
if the stainless steel doesn't have sufficient chromium in it it will rust. Ensure you buy marine grade mesh mate as this will have the required chromium to prevent the rusting/ staining.

I’ll have another look mate thank you. I thought I had but perhaps not...

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plucking straws with the water chems as it's all over the place and adding glut.. how much? plus you had temp trouble with the sump..
then the black Guinness stuff..
keep adding ferterlizer but new stuff or new mix..
it may be just the picture's but I can see the odd white spot.. could be cO2.. I've seen it stick to my fish..
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