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Today's little project


19 Feb 2010
Hi everyone.

Not be on here for ages as a shoulder injury has prevented me from working on my big tank as I couldn't get the lid off.. Yesterday hubby took pity on me and bought me a little 15l tank for shrimp and I set it up today

Details are a bit sparse but here's a photo to start with


let me know what you think please
I think it looks great, but perhaps spread the rocks apart a little. It will also look a lot better when you get those plants to carpet as the rock and substrate won't blend so much. Perhaps try and get some stargrass (heteranthera zosterfolia) in there :)
Are you using CO2?
Thanks. To be honest it's a low budget project so I'm using what I have. The stones look different in the photo. They look more reddish in real life closer to the colour of the manado. I did try to separate them but they were very unstable.

There's no co2 in the tank at the moment as the position of the tank on a small chest of drawers makes it impossible to set-up easily and with two little kids in the house I don't want it visable or easily accessible.

I'm hoping the foreground will grow in but it may take a whole
Any tips on how to get awkward shape rocks to sit nicely without toppling would be appreciated :)
I just push them far in to she substrate.
You could try siliconing them to a piece of slate or glass and covering with substrate :)