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Tribute to a Tributary. Wet and wild... and now with...

dw1305 said:
Looks really good.
cheers Darrel

cheers, trying out your wild style darrel, annoyingly people now comment on this tank rather than the high tech :? Does look like it needs some minnows or something in it 8)

jack-rythm said:
Did you suffer bad melt? or did you manage to pull it off ok?

The stauro on the right was really suffering and dropping leaves anyway which was made worse by flooding but otherwise no not really... few dozen HC leaves but thats it, i am suprised how well it took to being flooded. Guess i shouldnt be seeing as they are aquatic plants.
Whitey89 said:
Iain, your knack for getting things looking truly spectacular is a trait I wish I possessed. Everything you touch seems to turn to gold.

I love this.

haha thanks nath, what have you been smoking? I just chucked some water in. My postal service certainly isnt gold 😳 officially the longest wait for anything.. the anticipation must be immense! Post office monday :shifty:
And your tank is looking very smart, my taiwans hated me enough to chance a walk. I'll happily swop this old thing for keeping CRS alive :thumbup:
Hahahaha! I had actually forgot! :lol:
This your island & your forgotten nano are all top notch.

I've lucked out more than anything with my CRS, found another 4 smiley face newborn CRS yesterday. Which really was pleasing. I think I'll eventually move the lower grades on and introduce some more quality smiley face stock from FWS 🙂
damn it i should have kept quiet 🙂 Im going to the PO monday so i will send it then. Its packed lol

Ive learnt a lot from each of them, im hoping enough to rescape the big tank in the new year and avoid most of the issues ive had so far. The nano will be going soon too, have a 40x30x30 opti i need to collect when time allows for take 2 on the taiwans.

Thanks a lot though, its very encouraging to see others like the tanks :thumbup:
added some shrimp about 2 weeks ago, temp is now stable at 21c.

im guessing they are happy as 2 have now saddled up.

and the berried one didnt ditch her cargo.

also added some daphnia and bloodworm from the bin outside. Been 2 days and still alive....

hydro marches on!

Ive ordered a few rice fish that will come sometime jan. Started to see a few planaria so im hope the ricefish will eat it??
Hi lain.

I really do like this arrangement. An impressive, natural looking layout.

I've noticed, over time, and looking @ your work, that your really quite good at growing plants. Very healthy looking indeed.

I'll be watching out for further endeavours of yours.
Hi lain.

I really do like this arrangement. An impressive, natural looking layout.

I've noticed, over time, and looking @ your work, that your really quite good at growing plants. Very healthy looking indeed.

I'll be watching out for further endeavours of yours.

cheers mark, all thanks to the great advise from you guys, a lot of patience and still only feel like ive scratched the surface 🙂 Hoping to get a 90 in the new year and have a couple of high tech going at a time... i can just about grow plants but not quickly.

Were you aware you replies come up in black fella? stealth replies when using the 'ukaps dark' theme.
how do you mean lain?...reagrding replies in black?.....i've replied as normal. Should i do something different? text colour?
oh yeah...i see now. maybe because i write my replies in word, then copy and paste. I'll have a look at word settings and font colour. Cheers mate for letting me know.
maybe because i write my replies in word, then copy and paste.
New forum copies the format of the source where you copy the text from, if you want to remove any formatting just highlight the text after pasting and click on the first button of the top row, looks like a "chalk" and says "Remove Formatting" when highlighted.
Took a trip over to peterborough today with dave to have a look at the HUGE tank George scaped a while back, its a beast and looks great.. will get some pics up later. Anyway we ended up at the wrong MA by very happy accident, what a great shop!! Huge range catering for marine, tropical and cold with a heavy focus on loaches and plecos. It was really refreshing to see so many fish i hadnt seen in the flesh before and plenty i had never even heard of. Of course we had to come home with something.. so picked up 3 dwarf puffers for this tank, a few harlequins and loads of inspiration.

Really happy to see them all munching away on the planaria immediately as they are very small , now they are busy figuring how to fit a cherry in their mouth.


Looks great mate.
seems to be a trend with dwarf puffers lately, they're popping up all over!
Does seem to be a lot of them around at the moment ady, ive had to move them to my other nano though as the temp was dropping too low during this cold spell.

Because im going away for a month i thought i should trim and replant some of this so its fairs better during that time. What i didnt know is juncus repens has massive roots that went across the whole tank and all tangled with the HC and stauro! So once i started the whole thing had to come down as the roots buggered everything up.
Anyhoo i gave it a very quick rescape with what i had, using the same plants and i hate it :lol: It just doesnt work for me, the wood is all wrong and the perspective is wonky. I will post a picture just for giggles and will still be interested to see how it looks after a 4 week absence, but ultimately its now on the rescape list when i get back which means 2 x nanos and 2 x 90's will be rescaped in march (ish)... funds allowing😕
Going to look for some tropica shares now...
Look forward to some pics mate. Bummer you had to rip it up I liked this one.
You going away somewhere nice?
me too mate, trust me it wasnt the plan!! I was a pretty angry boy on sunday when it all went pear shaped. 😡
Australia to see my bros, 3 and half weeks, 2 of which diving :drowning:
Nervous about my big tank being in the hands of housemates though. Dave will pop in to do water changes and ive dropped the light levels way down, growth is very slow now.
Blue suits you mate 😉 .