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Tropical Bay

Wow just read this journal. Did you have this vision in mind at first or did it just evolve?
Wow just read this journal. Did you have this vision in mind at first or did it just evolve?
When i projected this tank, the idea was very similar.
The only thing that have grown up better than i think was the mosses. they give a excellent touch to the tank.
So lush and colorful. I think your tank might be ranked higher, but this is not the main purpose for true artisi, is it?
Completely true.
What matters is the "Picture" that i can sit, relax and observe on my living room.
I have the feeling of work complete and very pleased with that.
Thank's for all the likes too.
Transformers!! :) Nice tank.
Just found this journal and I have to say your tank looked amazing!! :thumbup:

Your picture with plant species and where they are located was great too.
Will be using some of your ideas in my first planted tank.
And then hoping I can achieve 10% of this tank's succes, I would be very pleased :)

All in all a great tank and I'm looking forward to the next one!