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Why do you spend so much time on UKAPS

Wallpaper and poo, at least I can say I'm on UKAPS for one of the two reasons too, no prizes for guessing :playful:

Actually I wish I had more time for UKAPS. My daily routine only allows me to check my alerts and maybe look through the first 3 pages of whats new.

Oh, and UKAPS has Clive and Darrel 😎
Great thread Zanguli :thumbup:
I, like George, find it great to be around like minded people. None of my friends have an interest in the hobby, so being a member of a forum like this is great for sharing, learning and being inspired. There are many top world class aquascapers here willing to give their time and share their experience which is great for the hobby. Experts with vast knowledge to put substance to the theories give you 100% total confidence in the advice given. The community as a whole is very generous and for new members, new hobbyists and more seasoned aquascapers alike there is always great response. Plus theres the occasional event to look forward to along the way too.
When i found ukaps i was like a kid in a sweet shop.....and i still am 😀
....and like Troi says, theres the inspiration gained from all the wallpaper samples too 😛
I feel much better dumping Nitrogen,phosphates, in my tank's than I did before.
I recall once telling a member on another forum that only an idiot would do what I now do each week
I am sorry Jack!🙁