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Fish locating help


12 Aug 2017
I have been looking around my lfs in the Hampshire area but struggling to find some true Siamese algea eaters (SAE).

They all seem to be called something similar but never labelled SAE and when I ask what are they the reply is "Oh yes these are very similar to Siamese algea eaters".

I want to target the small amount of green hair algae I have in my tank and have researched that only the SAE will eat it and other similar fish such as flying foxes won't eat it.

I have seen Siamese flying fox, Chinese algae eater, Taiwanese algae eater but never SAE.

Does anyone know of where I can get some real SAE from?
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Most SAE types get quite big (one species that's currently popular with lfs mature at 30cm+ 😱 - they ship in as tiny very cute juveniles that are excellent algae eaters, but how many buyers actually have suitable tanks 🙁 ) & while excellent algae eaters as juveniles, tend to be mostly fish food motivated as they mature; even "true" SAE (which have undergone some name changes over the years) easily attain 10 - 15cm, & can be aggressive territorial snots unless kept in a decent shoal

"Red nose" shrimp eat young brush/hair algae - a number of species seem to ship under this common name - as will Japonica (if no access to fish food 😉)

Snails - nerites will, some species more so than others; trapdoor snails (read up on these before purchase)
Unfortunately I had amano and cherry shrimps which turned into expensive treats for my fire mouths and barbs.

Nerite snails are good and I still have a few but I have an open top tank. Once they get bigger they become great escape artists and my wife kept finding them dried up on the floor about 6ft from the tank.

SAE seems my best option. I have a 4ft tank so should have enough space although I thought they only grow to about 3 inches.
Is that even legal to sell something under the wrong name? Thought it would be more controlled than that, I'm shocked.

So there is no guarantee if I order an SAE it will actually be one and might be something like a flying fox?
I don't know about legalities in this instance (the pet & livestock trade is full of odd (un)regulations),
often lfs orders from a list through a broker who just forwards fish "farm" lists
(& the "farm" may be breeding/collecting listed fish or outsourcing some to all of the listed fish from any number of sources)

So lfs orders common name "Siamese algae eater" & there's a Latin name also listed - which may be a current scientific name, or a synonym, or an older Latin name (which has been changed for various reasons) .... & a fish arrives that may look more or less as expected ..... if it's the former, it's easy to sell this fish as the ordered fish; if it's the latter (less) who (& how) decides what the name should be (especially when dealing with similar appearing fish species)

Fish identification article from PFK

Then also consider that there is a significant amount of cross breeding & body dysmorphia line breeding & color mutation line breeding & steroid & hormone use that occur in the aquaculture industry, all of which further muddy the identification waters
So there is no guarantee if I order an SAE it will actually be one and might be something like a flying fox?

Best to try & pick up fish in person, or purchase from a very reputable & knowledgeable shop - definitely discuss your concerns with staff before buying

Thanks alto you have really helped.

I need to find a reputable shop. I always prefer collecting in person.