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Custom Oak Aquarium - Mount Worthington

While the auto water change does its thing, and there's almost no current in the tank, spotted this perfect column of bubbles coming off the HC.

I haven't planted the Eleocharis acicularis, as I want the smaller 'Parvula' type, and have some on the way. - I have 10 pots of EA going cheap if someone wants them!
If they don’t sell, I’d use them for taller grass at the back of the tank, or perhaps at the base of the “tree” and maybe some accent areas here and there (a good disguise of that red rock perhaps) - though depending on the quality, it may keep for ages with no deterioration
(I’ve stored it in a shallow bin with just enough water to cover, ~18-20*C, no filter, moderate-low light, changing out water occasionally)

Tropica lists their version as ranging from 6cm - 15cm (10-15 cm is likely more common but I’ve had it stubbornly insist on the 6cm)

Sorry for the delayed response

I add CO2 from the beginning, sometimes even 24/7 (no livestock) or reduced rate outside photoperiod BUT then I have significant ambient light - enough that Rotala Vietnam H’ra will open/close leafs based upon daylight schedule rather than my photoperiod: I finally relented and adjust my photoperiod to start earlier for much happier plants)

I usually fertilizer lean water column nutrients beginning a few days after planting - once I see the first signs of growth, I start dosing

Daily water changes if possible
The HC is pearling like mad, and the lights are only set at 60%...
then this seems a good light level - I was going to suggest 100% depending on tank height - you should be able to see daily growth from the HC if it’s pearling this much: sometimes a daily photo is better than human recollection

Is that HC or MC?
If they don’t sell, I’d use them for taller grass at the back of the tank, or perhaps at the base of the “tree” and maybe some accent areas here and there (a good disguise of that red rock perhaps) - though depending on the quality, it may keep for ages with no deterioration
(I’ve stored it in a shallow bin with just enough water to cover, ~18-20*C, no filter, moderate-low light, changing out water occasionally)

Tropica lists their version as ranging from 6cm - 15cm (10-15 cm is likely more common but I’ve had it stubbornly insist on the 6cm)

Sorry for the delayed response

I add CO2 from the beginning, sometimes even 24/7 (no livestock) or reduced rate outside photoperiod BUT then I have significant ambient light - enough that Rotala Vietnam H’ra will open/close leafs based upon daylight schedule rather than my photoperiod: I finally relented and adjust my photoperiod to start earlier for much happier plants)

I usually fertilizer lean water column nutrients beginning a few days after planting - once I see the first signs of growth, I start dosing

Daily water changes if possible

then this seems a good light level - I was going to suggest 100% depending on tank height - you should be able to see daily growth from the HC if it’s pearling this much: sometimes a daily photo is better than human recollection

Is that HC or MC?

Thanks for the comments - very helpful

Yes the lights are still at 60% so I think I'll leave them there for now, until I get the rest of the plants in and they start growing properly.

I think I can already see signs of the HC (Cuba) growing, and it's only been in for 96 hours.

I was buying random pots of HC anywhere that had some (come from 3 different sellers)
Of those only one pot was 1-2 Grow, and to be honest that was the poorest of the lot - definately yellower and most of the small clumps from that pot are showing signs of melting and floating out of the substrate. The rest of the HC, from normal pots, is looking far better.

I haven't bought plants for a long time, so haven't tried 1-2 grow pots before, and based on this example, I wouldn't go for them again.

CO2 is coming on an hour before lights and going off an hour before lights out. Judging by the drop checker, I could still up the rate, but I'm being cautious as the fish and shrimp haven't had CO2 injection for a long time, so edging it up very gradually.

Just waiting for the Eleocharis Parvula to turn up and get the back / lower slopes planted. I managed to sell all the pots of the larger Eleocharis.

I'm changing about 40-50% of the water daily at the moment.
definately yellower and most of the small clumps from that pot are showing signs of melting and floating out of the substrate
That pot should never have been sent

Depending upon shipping distance, I think HC may travel better as a 1-2-Grow (this version is certainly far more popular with local shops than the potted version) but it doesn't seem tolerate (shop/home) storage as well as other plants

Amano felt that good nighttime aeration (increased nighttime oxygen levels) was important for planted aquaria - Balaz also mentioned something of this in a recent (Green Aqua) video, though I think they rely more on the Twinstar Nano sterilizer for increased oxygen ... certainly it’s better for livestock (and possibly for plants in a very heavily planted tank)
pearling is always a nice sign but i'd stick the co2 to come on 3-4 hours before lights come on, you want the co2 levels to be as stable as possible during the photoperiod

i wouldn't judge tropica 1-2 grow on a bad retailer experience, as @alto says it should never have been sent and when buying from trustworthy places like the sponsors on here they will never send plants out like that
pearling is always a nice sign but i'd stick the co2 to come on 3-4 hours before lights come on, you want the co2 levels to be as stable as possible during the photoperiod

i wouldn't judge tropica 1-2 grow on a bad retailer experience, as @alto says it should never have been sent and when buying from trustworthy places like the sponsors on here they will never send plants out like that

I can change the CO2 to come on earlier, so will just keep an eye on the livestock.

Perhaps I've been harsh on the 1-2 grow pot - it wasn't bad by any means, just slightly less green than the normal pots. I've seen plenty of ropy looking pots in shops, and it wasn't that bad, but it clearly hasn't liked being cut up and planted!
72 hours after planting - growth on the HC

IMG-0327.PNG IMG-0328.PNG

No growth on the Moss yet, but it's Christmas moss, so a slow grower - however it is beginning to green up from the shade it was after being glued to the bonsai - and it's producing a rain of bubbles, so I'm sure things will happen.
You can always add the “matchsticks” (or toothpicks etc) to lodge it down into the soil, you can also sprinkle (powder) soil on top
The Eleocharis Parvula arrived yesterday, so planted up the left hand end of the tank today. Solid Parvula along the back and down from the left corner, but merges into the HC.

The HC is growing well, but I do have a certain amount floating each morning, that isn't always replantable, so hope it's growing quicker than some bits are pulling out.

Just waiting for the moss to start showing some growth.

So we're 10 days in from planting the HC and Christmas Moss, and 4 days in from planting the Eleocharis Parvula.

I know I could up the CO2 as the drop checker is still too dark green, but I've had to drop it back as the shrimp and a few of the fish were struggling.

It may be a case of building up tolerance, although I suspect it also may be related to pH swings as the rainwater probably has very little buffering.

I'm pleased with the HC growth - it pearls well at times, and really pleased to see the moss is definately beginning to grow

IMG-0327.PNG IMG-0328.PNG IMG-0366.jpg

I've done 40-50% water changes everyday for the last 10 days, and about to start dropping to every other day.

Finger crossed...
3 week update - 3 weeks since the HC and Christmas Moss was planted, 2 for the Eleocharis Parvula

Amazed by the HC growth. Moss is beginning to grow in, but it is slow.

Wondering how long before I give the HC a trim.

IMG-0327.PNG IMG-0389 (1).jpg
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So four weeks since the HC and Moss was planted, 3 since the Eleocharis Parvula went in.

First gentle scrub of the rocks with a nylon brush, as they are beginning to green up.

IMG-0327.PNG IMG-0366.jpg IMG-0413.jpg

Thoughts, and some questions...
  • I'm pleased with how things are growing, but the MC is definitely a little yellower than it could be... So thinking 3 options:
    • Up the CO2
    • Up the lighting intensity (Currently at 60%)
    • Up the TNC complete (currently at 7cc's per week (1cc daily))
  • I suspect that upping the TNC is the preferable option as this is currently below the suggested amount, and most likely to be the cause of the yellowish plants?
  • The filter (Eheim professional 4+ 250) has been running for a couple of months now. How long before I take it out of the system and give it an aquarium water rinse through?
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I know I need a good deal more clean up crew in there as well. - More shrimp!

If I increase the ferts, do I need to increase the lighting intensity to make best use of it?