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Hi ukaps community!


29 Jun 2023
Greetings everyone! I registered about a week ago and thought it would be a good time to introduce myself. I used to keep African cichlids and started my hobby again last year after a 15-year break. I bought a 900-liter tank and added some plants alongside the cichlids. Since then, my passion for planted aquariums has grown. I also have smaller tanks for smaller/fry fish and future breeding purposes.
I hope to have a good time here and will learn a few things ...
Thanks everyone!

Welcome and any chance of a photograph of your tank, 900l is pretty impressive.
Sure, I rebuilt it just a few weeks ago after a year of running, so it's still a work in progress. I didn't like the filtering system, so I decided to tear down the old setup. I'm hoping that the sagittaria will eventually form a nice carpet. My plan is to remove the floating plants and the matured inner filter once I feel that the tank has cycled. It's a low-tech tank with hard water and an undergravel filter.


This is the previous version of the aquarium. Despite its problems, it taught me how to keep the plants alive and maintain the algae at an acceptable level.


Apologies for the low-quality pictures; distance doesn't help when you have a camera with limited resolution.