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  1. E

    Can i cut Vallis?

    I can confirm the plant i cut down almost flush, already had 2-3cms of new growth coming,so no harm done and they will grow ne leaves from the crown.
  2. E

    Can i cut Vallis?

    I cut down one plant, next week ill do another and so on.... It grows so well in my tank it covering the surface.
  3. E

    Can i cut Vallis?

    It should be ok to cut it 1cm from the base and let it regrow fresh leaves?
  4. E

    Can i cut Vallis?

    My vallis is spreading alittle to much now, and creeping along the surface im worried if i let it grow much more it will start to block light to the other plants, Any advice on prunning vallis? If i cut a leaf in half will it die off? or am i better off cutting it down and letting it come...
  5. E

    How many hours per day?

    Thanks i think i going to knock it back alittle at a time 15 mins a week until i get to about 8 hrs my plants are getting out of control lol.
  6. E

    How many hours per day?

    My tank is 22uk gallons with approx 8cms of silver sand substrate, i have 2x 18w t8 plant growth tubes, a DIY C02 setup split between a bell disfuser and venturi via the filter exit pipe, i also use seachem flourish. I have vallis, cryptocoryne,anubias, dwarf swords, and some java fern. I...
  7. E

    JBL diffuser and yeast DIY

    Can i use this diffuser with a yeast diy setup? Also do you think this is the best method for getting the C02 into water?? http://www.swelluk.com/aquarium/co2-and ... er-77.html thanks everyone :)
  8. E

    what ferts to use?

    Hi all im looking into changing over to EI from ready mixed seachem florish etc, Will a good EI starter kit have everything i need? also can anyone recomend a good one for me, and the amounts i would have to dose, Thanks for help in advance im learning so much on here day by day!!!!!!!! My...
  9. E

    ground cover carpet

    Hi im looking for a plant(s) to create ground cover on my tank no higher than 3-4" and spread along the substrate.
  10. E

    My new project

    I currently have Golden barb, cherry barb, harlequin tetra, and endlers, my end goal is just to keep endlers in the tank.
  11. E

    My new project

    Hi the substrate is just sand although i have seachem tabs dotted around the tank, i dose Seachem Flourish once a week. Do you think i have enough light? 36w for 22 gal = 1.6wpg
  12. E

    My new project

    This is the plant i mentioned in the above post, it just seems the tips of each growing stem turning lighter/yellowish? any thoughts? Thanks guys!
  13. E

    My new project

    Also you see that plant far right, (sorry i cant remeber the names off the top of my head) :oops: its terminal buds and top 1cms of growth on each stem has turned light yellow/whiteish? Ant thoughts on what might be causing that?
  14. E

    My new project

    Thanks guys you were right about the Vallis is starting to send runners up and its lost a couple of leaves due to melt so i stopped the excel for now.. The only problem i have is the anubias has developed black spots on the leaves i tried to wipe them to check if it was algae and it wouldnt...
  15. E

    Painted Background

    Hi guys im looking into re-painting my background (outside of tank) black i did it about 5 years ago in blue but the water got behind it a spoiled it, any recomendations on which paint i should be using? Thanks :D
  16. E

    My new project

    Hi all i have kept fish for many many years but strangly only just changed one of my tanks over to plants, my tank is 22uk gallons with approx 8cms of silver sand substrate, i have 2x 18w t8 plant growth tubes, a DIY C02 setup split between a bell disfuser and venturi via the filter exit pipe, i...
  17. E

    see through patches on java fern

    oh right ok thanks :) can you recomend how i should look after my fern to keep it in peak condition regards eco :)
  18. E

    see through patches on java fern

    Oh wow thanks i though something was wrong.. is it worth dosing anything with java fern to help it looking lush? Thanks
  19. E

    see through patches on java fern

    HI all i have a small endler livebearer tank with java fern on bogwood and moss, however some of the newish leaves on the fern have see-through patches on the tips ends of leaves, i have 3 wpg with no c02, although have been trying florish excel for a couple of month but hasnt changed much, any...