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  1. B

    attempt at aquascaping

    This "attempt" realy nails it!!! Well done
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    So now i am convinced that it is possible with low tech, I'll go for it! Still, I am aiming for a well planted tank. Not just wood and some floaters above. So hydrocotyle will be the main lightdimming plant. Any plants you guys can recommend? Java narrow and anubias bouth should do well in...
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    I am realy starting to like this choco aquarium. Low tech, check! Yellow, low kelvin lights: check Little coloured water due filtering: check Few water changes: check Slow growing less trimming of plants: check I use osmose (dunno if it is the same in english) water. Which i mix with tapwater...
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    Yea i know that about the gaspedal Thingy :p In belgium, soils are realy new and quite uncommon atm... So yea, i will have to read about them. But the few people who are using them, seem to love it
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    Dennerle Scaper's tank

    Lucky me paying in euro's!!!
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    Still, plants need extra carbon and other nutrients. It can't work entirely without CO2 or carbo, can it?
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    Everything i learned about plants and scaping has been sunk in a few posts lol!!! Less light, no CO2 controlled pH, etc But that is for very highplanted tanks ofc. I love the chocos and after 15 years in this hobby, its time to give it a try!!! Lol! I will need a dictionary soon i u guys keep...
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    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    And i answered my own question by looking at the first post of this thread lol! So what is that thing u filter through to loser pH? :p
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    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    What is the hardware running this tank?
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    So what u mean is i should work with easycarbo unstead? How do you take care of the pH of 6,3 then? I use CO2 to get so low. I just made an automatic dosingsystem so easycarbo is doable. Thanks for all the response this far!!!
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    Hmm yea i guess i can use some riccia as floating plant. Others are hard to keep at one perticular spot of the surface. Any idea which lightning? 2 lamps around 6k kelvin?
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    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    Wow! I will follow this thread as i'm attempting the same. Do u have copyright on it? Or can i use a lot of your setup in my tank? :p
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    That is something i didn't know indeed!! So if u have the right lamps with a good range of coulors, you can dim them. And the only thing is that they will grow slower. ( which is less maintenance :p) The pH is very important for the fish, so i prefere pH controlled CO2. Problem is: my lamps...
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    Crypto Islands

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    New scape: South american Biotope

    this may be closed
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    Jungle type chocolat gourami tank

    Hello! I'm planning on rescaping my current 80cm tank. I was wondering which things is should keep in mind when scaping a jungle aquarium. What those chocolats need, is a shadowish tank with as less current as possible. So what about lightning? i have the space for 2 t8 lamps. Do I go for...
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    New scape: South american Biotope

    You are suposing correctly. Th emost discus and overall SA biotopes don't realy have much difrent spieces of plants. So what I'm planning to do is keeping fish and plants which grow in the same conditions but aren't necercary from SA. Since I don' tlike a tank with only Echinodorus species...
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    New scape: South american Biotope

    Aloha guys! It has been a while since i Posted on this forum. I've kept reading thow and learned a lot! I've always been a fan of a dutch style aquarium, but i missed the wood in it. So I'm planning on using 2 big pieces of mangrove wood in my 120L tank. I have Hemigrammus bleheri...
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    kH disapears in tank

    so just so I keep learning, how does phosphate inflict kH?
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    kH disapears in tank

    Waterloo, the famous city if you know your history lessons :) you say phosphate? I study labrotory so if u can tell me how that inflicts kH I will understand it. I must say the phosphate lvl is going out the roof. never realy tried to ge tit lower as it wasn't causing any problems... but if...
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    kH disapears in tank

    Hi James How cool you lived in Brussels. did u speak english, french or Dutch? :lol: well, what do you mean with substrate? in the filter or as bottom? the bottom of the tank is just sand... in the filter i use the blue filter medium and stuff with a lot of surface for bacteria, nothing...
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    kH disapears in tank

    Hello all I have a new question wich i willtry to explain in english :shock: I have a CO2 injection system for my wellplanted tank. It's secured with e pH detectionsystem, so when the pH is to low, no more CO2 is injected. now, the kH in the tank(carbonate hardness) is nearly 0. wich brings...
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    Reproducing aponogeton

    Hi all one of my aponogeton makes every three days a new flower. My questions are: 1. Do you need to rub them against eachother? 2. I make sure they stay aboce water, but once the flowers are around 5 days old, they become heavy and fall in the water. Do i keep them above the water still? Or...
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    No Bulb Aponogeton Crispus

    Hello that's weird. I have a couple of those and even when they where small they had a bulb. But as they reproduce by seeds, it could make a bulb when it grows bigger... I Will follow this topic grtz Bert
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    Easy Life Profito

    thankyou there is enough phosfate in the tank and nitro aswell didn't know there were was so many in that profito. but that's good, I'll test the water for PO4 and NO3 anyway and when the concentrations are to low, I'll putt some more in thanks for help :thumbup:
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    Easy Life Profito

    Hello I was reading here and there on the forum and I was wondering: I use profito from easy life as fertiliser, 10ml every week. my plants are doing great, but still This is what's in it: Fe, K, Mn etc (no nitrates or phosphates) but my question is, is this enough? are there ferts that...
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    Fish questions?

    indeed when you refill the tank with cooler water you imitate a tropical rain. just let it fall in the tank so it splashes a lot.(don't get skoaking wet ofc) normaly the females should be setting of some eggs with the males all around them. normaly to have a succesfull breed, I remove the...
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    how to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides

    hmm not a bad idea at all I've had Helferi before, but my brother gave me some applessnales(this is a literly translation from dutch) and they ate there way through the helferi. (it doesn't only look like salade it must taste like it too :lol:) but now they are gone, yes I can try that...
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    how to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides

    thank you very much the video illustrates perfectly how to cut and to plant them. do you guys allways plant the plants before there is water in the tank? or was this just for the video? because I allways let the water run a few days before planting anything. CO2 levels, pH and so on must...
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    how to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides

    thanks for replying! :D If i can make 4-5 clumps out of each pot, I will sertainly have enough haha. how far from eachother can I plants these smaller clumps? 2cm (yes we use cm lol) from eachtoher in all directions? or is that to much for the clumps to grow in a relatively fast way...
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    how to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides

    Hello First of all, I'm from Belgium, so in a way my technical english doesn't reach very far, there for, my apologies for wrog spelled and wrong built words/sentences. I retarted my aquarium(hope this word is the same in english) about 6 months ago. I aplied CO2 system, lequid plant food, new...