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  1. ghostsword

    Portuguese Coast (near Cascais)

    It is a lovely place.. I grew up going to those beaches.. and collecting rocks to use in tanks.. :)
  2. ghostsword

    Visit/Photos to "Aquario Vasco da Gama" (Lisbon/Portugal)

    I think that all kids that enjoyed fish tanks went there almost everyday as kids.. :)
  3. ghostsword

    Visit/Photos to "Aquario Vasco da Gama" (Lisbon/Portugal)

    I have spent my childhood going to this old aquarium.. :) Take the tram from Praca do Comercio (15) to Belem, and spend the day there, it is awesome. Some weekdays they had fish sales, really cheap.. They also had an embalmed giant squid right in the entrance. A must visit for sure.
  4. ghostsword

    A pretty random shot of the moss found at my local woods.

    Mark.. it is people like you that drive the hobby forward.. new ways of looking at a nature, ensuring that everything is always challenged, and keeping us in our toes.. it is hard to keep up with you mate.. :) Please keep the wonder alive.. and one day.. get a book out.. this sort of stuff...
  5. ghostsword

    Advice on photo/ video software for DSLR please?

    I use CS4 and Adobe Premiere for movies.. good results..
  6. ghostsword

    Can I use a old AIS lens with a Nikon D7000

    What I like about the D7000 is the sealed body: - Durable design: boasts tough, yet light, magnesium alloy top and rear covers, and environmentally-sealed joints that protect the camera from dust and moisture. MP are good, at 24mp they are higher than 16mp, but I am ok currently with 7mp, so...
  7. ghostsword

    Can I use a old AIS lens with a Nikon D7000

    Thanks.. Yes, I really like the lens, and as I shoot always in manual mode I am used to it. Sometimes I get caught out by the white balance, but in raw mode with CS4 it is easy to correct. What I was really impressed where the video that Edis did with his macro lens, that was impressive...
  8. ghostsword

    Can I use a old AIS lens with a Nikon D7000

    Hi.. I got a number of Nikon lenses, use them with a old D70. After seing the videos displaying at the UKAPS stand, I think that it may be time to upgrade my camera, only for the video, as the D70 does all I need in terms of photo. However I got a very old 105mm AIS lens, manual focus. The...
  9. ghostsword

    Nikon 1 J1 Compact - Urgent Reviews please.

    I think that your best bet would be the G series.. For holidays it is absolutely amazing camera. Strong, good performer and with a good battery life. I bought one for my mom to take to Portugal. She dropped it on water and after a good dry it still works.. :) ___________________________...
  10. ghostsword

    InterZoo 2012 - 275 pics!

    Amazing scapes there, really nice of you to share.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  11. ghostsword

    Best camera under £150

    I got a old d70, does the job.. The eos 550 is also nice. A d90 would be my next upgrade.. :) rather spend money on lenses than body's.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  12. ghostsword

    Best camera under £150

    Some good nikons or canons on ebay, second hand, they will so the job well. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  13. ghostsword

    seiryu stone in Bonsai

    seiru stone in Bonsai Yep Seriyu is amazing with bonsai. I got a fig three with the roots wrapped on a large piece of rock I got at TGM. I got the pictures of how I set it up on my flickr page I believe. Started with a fossilised stone but did not like the look, but seiryu is better...
  14. ghostsword

    Getting sharp clear tank shots

    Yes, but that sort of advice stops me struggling and find out from myself what works and what does not work. I got a headstart .. :) Possibly the post of the year (so far), I am sure that many people will return to it time and time again.
  15. ghostsword

    Getting sharp clear tank shots

    Great advice George!! This was exactly the sort of advice I was looking for!! I am saving it, email it to myself as well, it is superb. Now just need to firgure out where to put the flashes. :) ___________________________
  16. ghostsword

    Aquascapes from nature

    What about this one, almost from nature.. :) Clients : Pak Surja Location : Solo, Jawa Tengah Indonesia Size : 6 meter x 4 meter x 1,2 meter Filtration : Vortex chamber CO2 Injected 30kg x2 Ferts : 500kg Pupuk Dasar Organik Substrate : Silica sand, Merapi Sand Plants used : Microsorium...
  17. ghostsword

    Help With Camera Settings

    Yeah, the lenses are only as good as you are. Also the weight matters a lot. :) Plastic is light but also breakable. Metal is heavier but bomb proof. I got a 105mm ais lens that weights more than the camera, but this lens takes amazing shots and it is really sturdy, if you smack someone on the...
  18. ghostsword

    Help With Camera Settings

    Yeah, don't get fooled thinking that the camera is outdated. I am with the d70 and does all I want. Would like to get a d90 or a d700 but this is mostly for the build quality and video. :) As Clive says play with it, once you get the hang of it you will see that it is easy to shoot just on...
  19. ghostsword

    Help With Camera Settings

    I got a nikon d70 and it took me a while to get some ok puctures. The first thing to understand is what aperture and shutter speed does. Aperture is how much light gets into the camera, and shutter speed is how long is the light staying in. For my tank with 150w of light I use a shutter of 25...
  20. ghostsword

    Flickr vs Photobucket

    I have been using flickr for years now , and the service is superb, really ease of displaying photos also. ___________________________ Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
  21. ghostsword

    Show us your best mobile phone camera pics

    Both with iphone 4. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  22. ghostsword

    Oh crap...

    :) do let me know what you have from Nikon, may buy some items. .
  23. ghostsword

    New Photography upload site

    I gathered as much, the site was slow to load, but very pretty to look at, and easy to navigate. One to keep visiting. :) Would not move from Flickr yet, would be a pain to move the lot.
  24. ghostsword

    New toy - EOS550D, now with photos.

    Damm Steve, that Puzzlewood place is just amazing! really wow.. There are so many beautiful sites in the UK, thanks for sharing this. Amazing inspiration for scapes on each of your photos.
  25. ghostsword

    Sagittaria flower

    Now that I had not seen yet. :) , thanks for sharing. That tank looks good, a frontal picture maybe? :)
  26. ghostsword

    A little birdy mixture from yesterday

    Where do you go to take such amazing photos? Or all over the country? .
  27. ghostsword

    A little birdy mixture from yesterday

    Amazing! Goldfinch are my favorite birds, since I was a kid. We used to see huge flocks on the fields during summer time. Didn't know that they could be found on the uk. Thanks for sharing ! .
  28. ghostsword

    Ultra-wide angle (UWA) and aquascaping

    Well said mate, aquascaping is an art and all is fair game. As long as colours aren't changed, items liquified, or sizes changed, all should be allowed. You can't afford a good lens? Rent one or borrow. :) .
  29. ghostsword

    Ultra-wide angle (UWA) and aquascaping

    The photos are amazing and for me the photography is a valuable side of the aquascaper arsenal. I don't think that it is cheating, same as when an artist uses perception and shades to convey a feeling or trick our brain to see slightly more than what it's there, it has been done for centuries...
  30. ghostsword

    Trying to improve my landscapes for my tuscan holiday

    The photos are amazing. Obviously we are world apart, but what you want to improve on them? :) .
  31. ghostsword

    Daisy - Practising My Macro Photography

    Thanks Clive, the lens is a way above my capabilities, but I am working on it, and soon will master it. Then need to work on composition. :) and that is slightly harder to sort out. Thanks for all the advice, will get there in the end. :D
  32. ghostsword

    Daisy - Practising My Macro Photography

    Great tips, I for sure will follow them. This is my attempt: Blooms by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  33. ghostsword

    Daisy - Practising My Macro Photography

    It is a good start and the advice given is useful for my own trouble using a macro. I have not managed yet to take a blur free pic but I'm working on it ! .
  34. ghostsword

    Anyone into vintage photography?

    Amazing, I really like the look of those cameras, and after playing with Hipstamatic app on the iphone I can see the value of film. Lovely cameras.
  35. ghostsword


    Got a new app for the iphone, Hipstamatic, so that I can take Lomography shots. The results are quite good.
  36. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Fantastic information, much appreciated. I will keep playing with it until I get it right, but your advice has taken days if not weeks out of the exercise. Many thanks
  37. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Actually, it was my fault that the flash did not worked, there is another setting on the menu that places the flash as auto, or ttl, it was ttl. Once I setup the flash to auto it worked fine. :) It is so sad being a newbie at this. :!:
  38. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks mate. The lens is fab, I am having fun with it, but all is manual, no help on anything.. :) So when something comes right it is spectacular and a really good feeling. The lens is only on Manual, the flash does not work with it, or I have not figure out how to get it to shoot, but using...
  39. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Got the lens at home and tried it. Now this is a hard lens to work with, at least for a newbie like me. On A and S it was just showing F--, so after trying all the settings it only works on M. A pro would have known but a newbie like me only with trial and error. Have not figured out how to...
  40. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    I could not go back to compact after trying the SLR.. :) The compacts take great pictures outside, but indoors the slr is really great. Maybe I just had cheap compacts.. :) Would like to get a G10, for day to day shooting, but will need to wait some more until the prices drop to my range.
  41. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks George, I have been shooting manual for a while now, and still trying to get to grips with how the settings all work. Will get there in the end. :) Practice makes perfect, and it is amazing how old camera and lenses can take such amazing pics.
  42. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks a lot guys, the advice is very welcome. The lens will be used for the large part on macro photos, either plants, bugs, whatever takes my fancy, and I am used to play with the exposure mode. As it is digital, as George says, I take a couple of photos with diferent exposures, and then...
  43. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    :) no issue mate. I got the 2.8, not the 2.5. Also, will try the lens, and if it does not do what I want then I will just sell it again, probably loose small money on it, but no big issue. Will get a light meter, will need one anyway if I want to get better at this malarkey of photography.. :)...
  44. ghostsword

    Best place for canvas prints

    Just registered, and should be ordering some stuff pretty soon.
  45. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Took me a while but managed to get one 105mm Micro f/2.8 AI-s with a one year warranty for £180 delivered. :) Can't wait to use it.. Thanks for the advice !!
  46. ghostsword

    First Pics with canon 7D in St. James park

    Great shots indeed. The last picture is stunning, great bokeh, magical.
  47. ghostsword

    Studio lighting

    Nice thread. I am also looking for light's but got no idea where to even start. So the advice is to invest on light stands, and then get some cheap (but efficient) heads? Would all light stands take most lights? Sorry for the newbie questions.
  48. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    I got a new lens (second hand) for my Nikon D70, a Nikon 28-105mm F3.5-4.5D that has a macro mode. Obviously it is not as good as a 105mm fixed lens, but it was cheap and the macro mode goes to 1:2, so far so good. I took some pics of my fish, and was shocked at how dirty my glass was.. :)...
  49. ghostsword

    Nannacara Taenia

    There is a big possibility on that, as I bought some plants from plantedtank and within a week I had one damsel fly on the top of my tank. Let it into the garden, but not sure how long would it survive on the british winter. :)
  50. ghostsword

    What would be a great DSLR for fish/aquarium photography?

    Re: What would be a great DSLR for fish/aquarium photography Hi, I also came from a point and shoot and was looking at cameras. As I only wanted to be able to control pretty much of the photos I was taking, and not so much about the fancy features the new cameras have, I went on ebay and...
  51. ghostsword

    River bank inspiration.

    Good pics, and a great inspiration. If someone would know the name of the plants would be Darell, he seems to be a walking botanic knowledge bank, :)...
  52. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks, will need to save for a couple of months to get a lens that will do what I want. :)
  53. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Would a camera that goes from 18-105mm such as the Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR, be as good for macro as a camera that has fixed focal lenght of 105mm? The price difference is quite big, but would the results be somewhat similar?
  54. ghostsword

    Close up Insects not quite macro

    The bee look great.
  55. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    :) I work on computers, and found out that new does not necessarily means better.. :) If the optics are very much the same, with the VR costing close to £900, the savings are massive, especially for a newbie like me that even had to read the manual to find out how to switch off the flash on...
  56. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    I have seen some VR lenses on ebay for less than £300. I can save a little bit more. This is good to know. :) The macro will be taken with a tripod, probably VR is overkill for what I want. So the difference between the two lenses is just build quality? The camera will be used on a...
  57. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Fantastic article, thanks for that. " if you can give up the VR and AF-S and need to save money, the Tamron is the lens to get." I need to save money, but VR and AF-S are indeed cool, and this is lens that would be kept for a while. I will just save some more and get something good. The pic...
  58. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks.. I will check the lenses out. On ebay there is always some being sold. I got my D70 with a Nikon 35-80 F4-5.6D, cheap lens, but for a newbie such as me it is perfect. So the fight is between the Tamron 90mm and the Nikon 105mm. Now silly question. The larger the mm the more it...
  59. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks.. It will take time. When I got the camera I kept pointing and not seeing anything on the screen.. LOL, looked like a right wally. Must have been hard before digital, you only knew your picture came right when you developed the film.
  60. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    :) then this camera will last me until it dies.. :) No more than A4 for me.. :) Even that is too big, I think.
  61. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks Dave, Sebastiao Salgado is indeed something to look at, his work on the "Sem Terra" is inspirational. My issue is that I got no idea whatsoever what the different dials on the camera does. Been looking at the manual, and it has helped a lot. :) It sounds lame, but working with the...
  62. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Also, any book that you would recommend for a complete newbie to photography? After coming from the point and shoot world I even had to read the manual to see how could I disable the flash on the camera. :?
  63. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks Dave and Clive. I will then invest on a OEM lens, especially if the depreciation is less than others, and the fact that they are very well built and resistant. The good factor is if I take the hobby further I can use the lenses on another Nikon. I have been playing with the D70 at home...
  64. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks Ceg, I will check all of these. The Tamron is about £350 @ Jessops (http://www.jessops.com/online.store/pro ... /show.html) brand new. Twice the price of the camera, the good thing is that I will be able to use it with any other Nikon I buy. If I find that photography is not for me I...
  65. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Thanks mate.. I will check it now .
  66. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Hi, I am starting on photography and got a second hand Nikon D70. Great camera, great photos and cheap to buy. I am now looking for a lens to use for macro shots. Would you have any recommendation? I would like to spend no more than £200, if possible. :)
  67. ghostsword

    A Prize if you can tell me what it is!

    A lighthouse?
  68. ghostsword

    long tailed tit & goldfinch plus bewick swan in flight

    They are indeed my favourite bird, and haven`t seen one in London yet. Great photo, will put it on my computer background.
  69. ghostsword

    long tailed tit & goldfinch plus bewick swan in flight

    A yound female goldfinch.. :) Red is not passing the eyes, and the black hood is not yet complete. If she is feeding on your garden, there are lots of threes around and no cats, she will nest this spring around there.
  70. ghostsword

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    You are good.. amazing what we don't see normally with the naked eye.
  71. ghostsword

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    A work of art.. really nicely taken photos.
  72. ghostsword

    Photography challenge

    You are better than me.. I just have plants.. :) and aquatic ones.. :) There will be lots to shoot, from friends tanks, shops, tools related to plants, substrates, etc. :)
  73. ghostsword

    Photography challenge

    I am in.. A photo every two weeks is nothing.. :)