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  1. OllieNZ

    What other hobby's do you have?

    Is suspected that may have been the way it was done but wanted to see if it was some sort of black magic moulding technique ;) Would vac forming over a single piece mould have been strong enough for the body rather than a 2 piece mould? True craftsmanship can't be rushed....
  2. OllieNZ

    What other hobby's do you have?

    I'm intrigued as to how the dimpled holes are achieved? if it's not a trade secret ;) It's something I do in metal reasonably often but have never seen it in wood.
  3. OllieNZ

    What other hobby's do you have?

    The top one is absolutely beautiful imo the tortoise shell back and dimpled sound holes make it a stunning piece.
  4. OllieNZ

    Tv Series Your Watching Now?

    Another not on the list that's worth checking out is Lucifer, about a cop in LA who's partner is literally the devil and yes he does wear Prada.
  5. OllieNZ

    aikido in sainsburys

    Brilliant [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  6. OllieNZ

    Warning to Photobucket Users

    I hope you're well versed on 4x4 3 and 4 link suspension design ;)
  7. OllieNZ

    Warning to Photobucket Users

    This is what my photos look like on another forum
  8. OllieNZ

    Warning to Photobucket Users

    It seems to be being rolled out progressively, some users on other forums aren't having issues YET. The email I got this morning
  9. OllieNZ

    Warning to Photobucket Users

    Hi All, Photobucket have changed their terms of service and you now require a $399.99 USD/yr subscription (P500 account) to allow 3rd party sharing of photos (using the IMG code). If they haven't already THEY WILL replace all your shared images with a Photobucket message advising you need to...
  10. OllieNZ

    Am I still...

    How about us non European foreigners? ;) I think once the initial shock wears off it will be business as usual for the majority of us.
  11. OllieNZ

    10,000 posts

    Keep up the good work Paulo :)
  12. OllieNZ

    How do you pronounce UKAPS?

    You dinosaur ;) U-kaps for me too
  13. OllieNZ

    Land Rover 90

    Heck no!!!! I'd like to think I've got a bit more common sense than that lot.... Do agree that swapping wheels and tyres can make a massive difference to looks and function.
  14. OllieNZ

    Land Rover 90

    Not yet. I've still got a few more mods to do. Need to sort out some heavy duty recovery points for the front. I've built a new rear bumper
  15. OllieNZ

    Land Rover 90

    My previous boss just bought a spanking new 110 already taken it back to have rust on the chassis dealt with [emoji23] Not as cool ;) but I bought this at the start of the year Still a work in progress
  16. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    Solid performance from both teams, well done to the All Blacks
  17. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    I'm surprised that you still have fingers left to type....
  18. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    First set of quarter finals over. NZ vs SA in the semi. Any guesses for today's games?
  19. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    Scotland are through, good game against Samoa. Australia vs Wales. ... wow. Looking forward to seeing Ireland vs France to see who the all blacks end up against.
  20. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    This is something that I actually agree with doing assuming that your national championship is at a high enough level. If a player is willing to play nationally for less money for the prospect of being selected for the national team surely that's a good thing. It makes sure that the players...
  21. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    http://rugbylad.com/rugbyladblog/video-nigel-owens-warns-stuart-hogg-over-diving-with-brilliant-statement/ This made me chuckle. Sad to see England out.....
  22. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    I hope the All Blacks are watching japan and taking notes......
  23. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    Absolutely brilliant game to watch, not so brilliant for English fans but very well played by both teams. I think the all blacks really need to step their game up to have a chance....
  24. OllieNZ

    Anti-Virus software

    I don't see any major issue with doing this, all the browsers and search engines already "personalise" the advertising you see based on what you've been looking at. Cheers Paulo, I'll check this one out.
  25. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    Well done to Scotland. That bonus point will be handy, now lets see if they can roll RSA.
  26. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    How are those fingernails Hoggie?
  27. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    It's often about who can play the full 80 without slowing and think Japan showed they can go 85 against one of most physical sides in the game.... Being a kiwi I have no vested interest in either team but I've always had a soft spot for Japan. I was impressed with the level of discipline they...
  28. OllieNZ

    rugby world cup

    Anyone going to watch Scotland vs Japan? I think if the Japanese win they'll end up topping their pool, which will be phenomenal for Japanese rugby.
  29. OllieNZ

    newzealand scapers. ? How big is the scene?

    You'd need to look into the import laws as I believe there is an approved list of species allowed in and if it's not on the list then no chance, not to mention you will be fined heavily or even imprisoned for breaching them. The best place to start regarding any imports would be NZ MAF as they...
  30. OllieNZ


    It appears to be silicone and talc, I'd think once it's cured it will be environmentally neutral.
  31. OllieNZ

    "Hands off my hobby"

    There's alot more captive breeding and mariculture (where corals are farmed in the ocean) but there's still alot of wild caught going on. That's kinda my point about tank busters, if someone can afford a 5000gal tropical pond they can afford to spend a couple of hundred pounds on a large...
  32. OllieNZ

    "Hands off my hobby"

    Agreed, when you can walk into shop and buy something like an arowana or redtail catfish for under £15 it makes them throw away. I tend to avoid shops that actively stock tankbusters.
  33. OllieNZ

    Land Rover 90

    If your trying to get away from the electrics a 300Tdi would seem to be your best bet, the td5 and later will need diagnostic equipment to deal with faults although it seems the td5 is considered pretty reliable. Unfortunately electronics are the bane of any modern car and to get away from them...
  34. OllieNZ

    Land Rover 90

    What sort of age defender are you looking at? Alot of the newer ones (td5 engine on) will still have the fault prone electrics (the joys of common rail diesel engines) so you'd be after something older with mechanical injection. I've not owned a landy and being from down under am a Toyota man...
  35. OllieNZ

    Merry Christmas UKAPS!

    Merry Christmas to all
  36. OllieNZ

    What do you want for Christmas?

    As always foxfish, your skill set never ceases to amaze........ Lol
  37. OllieNZ

    What do you want for Christmas?

    Nice work that man ;) You know, we have this saying down under. It goes something like...... Ah yes I remember....... Harden the f*ck up! [emoji41] Have a good Christmas everyone :)
  38. OllieNZ

    Reef Keeping Hobby In Danger?

    Hi All, Just read the following: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?p=23207896#post23207896 It's pretty eye opening and could potentially have a massive impact on the hobby. I cant imagine anything of this scale occurring in the US and not having an impact here. Please take the...
  39. OllieNZ

    An important reminder!

    Lol. All my timers will be back on time now, I was too lazy to change them for +1 [emoji57]
  40. OllieNZ

    DIY Twinstar thoughts?

    Also another interesting thing to note is that the article linked suggest that pgm electrodes are not the best choice for O2/O3 production but are well suited to the production of free chlorine from chloride. Now I'm not sure about others but I'm pretty sure the levels of chloride in my tank...
  41. OllieNZ

    DIY Twinstar thoughts?

    When I get hold of some mesh I'm going to give this a go using different electrode spacing and a laboratory power supply to work out best voltage/current combo
  42. OllieNZ

    DIY Twinstar thoughts?

    This will alternate which electrode is the anode/cathode theoretically extending their life. Given the low cost of the stainless I doubt many are bothered about this.
  43. OllieNZ

    DIY Twinstar thoughts?

    I'd like to have a go at a diy one, any more info on how to? The last unit looks pretty slick. Are they as effective as the real thing?
  44. OllieNZ

    Her indoors/the accountant/the killjoy

    I'm in the same boat as kirk. We have just sold our large L shaped couch and gone for a smaller 3 seater so I can have another tank in the living room. She's not overly interested but knows more about fish keeping than she is willing to admit and as long as they are kept clean and not filled...
  45. OllieNZ

    Thinking about a reef tank

    Sounds interesting, how cold is cold?
  46. OllieNZ

    Thinking about a reef tank

    Thanks, The entire back of the hood is open and has about 4" gap between the glass covers and the lid, I'll stick a couple of fans on the back if needed. I wont be doing macros in the display but I may put some cheato in the sump, the idea of spending money on chemical filtration when you can...
  47. OllieNZ

    Thinking about a reef tank

    Thanks for the response, I've been taking a look around reef central, some useful stuff on there. I'm looking a zoos, toadstools, shrooms and hammer corals so nothing overly difficult, I was hoping to get away with 3-4 bulbs I should mention that the tank will be 100x40x50 cm (lxwxh) I'm...
  48. OllieNZ

    Thinking about a reef tank

    Totally agree but if I can get away with £100 of t5 setup that will leave £££ for other stuff.
  49. OllieNZ

    Thinking about a reef tank

    Cheers Fox, I'd prefer leds but I'm not sure my budget will stretch to a decent enough unit. The other problem is that the tank will have a hood and most modern leds are designed to be suspended like halides.
  50. OllieNZ

    Thinking about a reef tank

    Hi All, I'm getting another tank and looking at setting it up as a reef tank, firstly best forum for reef keeping? and secondly a question about t5s. For a planted tank I'm happy to use my bulbs till they die but the reef guys seem really jittery about using them for more than 12 months and...
  51. OllieNZ

    Calling All Petrolheads

    I want a go in one of these :twisted:
  52. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    Can't argue with that!!! I did have the option to receive a replacement first but don't have the required wad of cash for a security deposit just laying about.
  53. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    Well, sad to report my console is going back to Microsoft for exchange due to an issue with the odd. Customer support was excellent, just going to have no console for a couple of weeks :(
  54. OllieNZ

    Peacock eel

    I don't see why not. Just make sure you know what they've been feed on.
  55. OllieNZ

    Peacock eel

    To that end I'd set up an earthworm culture and feed him individual worms.
  56. OllieNZ

    Peacock eel

    http://animal-world.com/encyclo/fresh/Eels/PeacockEel.php Hope this helps. Seems you may need alive food at least to start with. Also suggests only feeding a couple of times a week so it may just not be hungry?
  57. OllieNZ

    Aquatics Live 2014

    Was nice to meet you too Paulo. I'm trying to make vivarium this year.
  58. OllieNZ

    Clive's true identity.. ...

    I've managed to get my hands on rare picture of Clive.....
  59. OllieNZ

    10th anniversary in St Lucia.:-) tropical pics. Warning pic heavy and may contain people smiling.

    Looks like a nice trip. Fyi your tree frog is actually a cane toad
  60. OllieNZ

    Not going to rain for the next 6 months...

    Finally got round to installing this Now just need it to fill up.
  61. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    Pmsl. Top work that man.
  62. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    Ouch, already? I still need to get round to doing the firmware update on mine
  63. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    I'm not really bothered by the updates(don't have a data allowance), everything tech wise I own updates itself periodically some things more often than others. My tv for example tends to update every couple of months and the updates tend to be upwards of 400mb even my bluray player requires...
  64. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    My favourite pc games are even older think AvP2, Unreal Tournament goty etc at least my £200 pc will run those, the newest it will max out is fallout 3 so I've not bothered trying anything newer. One thing I do like about pc games over console is modding, especially for bethesda games. I think...
  65. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    Gamers who care about max res and fps for sure:D but I bet you spent nearly as much on your gpu alone as my xbox cost;)
  66. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    I've kept my xbox 360 as I'm kinda addicted to Skyrim but once that's replaced I'll pass the 360 to the kids. The xbox 1 was expensive to buy but still less than a third of what I'd have spent on a gaming pc and without the worry of whether it needs hardware upgrades to run the latest games...
  67. OllieNZ

    Next Gen Consoles

    Hi All, I know a few of us have gone next gen with the ps4/xbox1. So what have you got and how are you finding it? Was it the step up you were expecting?
  68. OllieNZ

    Decisions Decisions on upgrade

    One of the lads at work has a sony z and its as water proof as it says on the tin. He showed me some vids he took while swimming, very good quality too.
  69. OllieNZ

    New full-time career in aquatics

    Congrats George, Adjusting to civvy life can be a challenge at times but sounds like it will be a good move for you. Getting to do something you love for a living is definitley a bonus.
  70. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk test

    Try refresing the topic after posting...
  71. OllieNZ

    Windows Phone vs Android

    Thanks Paulo, Ive decided on the s4 mini but just found out I cant get an upgrade till feb without it costing so will be waiting till then. Im happy with my current android I was just trying to see if windows would offer any benefits but after playing with smartglass on my tablet I cant see any...
  72. OllieNZ

    Windows Phone vs Android

    Sounds like android it is then:)
  73. OllieNZ

    Windows Phone vs Android

    To put it simply iHate apple so not even a goer. Interesting points darren my phone is never switched off so not so much of an issue maybe. There is no flash support for android any more either so no bother there. How do you find the interface?
  74. OllieNZ

    Windows Phone vs Android

    Hi All Im looking at changing my phone soon. I like the samsung android I have now but with getting an xbox one and having windows 8 Im wondering if windows phone may be better for interoperability. Im looking at an s4 mini or a nokia 720. I do like tapatalk though what forum readers are...
  75. OllieNZ

    Playstation 4

    I would but Im not sure Id get it back in time for christmas ;)
  76. OllieNZ

    Playstation 4

    Against my better judgment wanting to wait 6mths or so. The deed has been done, my xbox one turned up today. Not bad considering I ordered it on Sunday. Not allowed it till chrismas though.
  77. OllieNZ

    Christmas lists

    Im getting a new tank and arcadia led luminaire:D
  78. OllieNZ

    Playstation 4

    You dont consider forza a good racing game? I quite like the look of Ryse aswell.
  79. OllieNZ

    Playstation 4

    Intrestingly the larger fan may actually be quiter. It is fairly common place in the pc world to use larger fan at a lower speed for moving the same air volume in a given time. A large fan running at 50% is alot quiter and lasts longer than a small fan revving its nuts off. Im still undecided...
  80. OllieNZ

    Calling All Petrolheads

    You've now got me trying to figure out how to fit a 1000hp big block and matching jet unit under my tank mmmmm...... Think I need a bigger tank;)
  81. OllieNZ

    Calling All Petrolheads

    A jetsprint crash compilation An onboard just to show how fast these things are when they're not flying off the track skip to the 2min mark for the start of the run.
  82. OllieNZ

    Super bad parking.

    I think that deserves uploading to the aforementioned website:mad:
  83. OllieNZ

    Calling All Petrolheads

    Show us some pics then. The dirtier the better;)
  84. OllieNZ

    Calling All Petrolheads

    You've got a bunch of us on here;). Given what you do for a living you should be practical enough to pick it up. Start with the basics like oil and filters move onto brakes etc and that will cover most of your basic day to day stuff and save you a fortune in servicing costs. You can get alot of...
  85. OllieNZ

    Calling All Petrolheads

    You wouldnt like Mike's rx7 then, custom built quad rotor naturaly aspriated and still 500hp :eek:
  86. OllieNZ

    Calling All Petrolheads

    Hi All, With all the discussion about cars going on about the place I thought I'd start us a thread so we stop taking over other non car related ones. Bring on the piccies and vids of anything with a motor that puts a grin on your face wether it's yours or not. I'll kick it off with a sweet vid...
  87. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    Random. I only downloaded it the day I posted this thread. The playstore states v4.2.2
  88. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    Thats the one
  89. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    Yup but on android 2.x.x I really need to try it on my tablet and see if there is a difference.
  90. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    Mine looks different to both of yours :confused:
  91. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    When you highlight a post does it not bring up a tool bar? You only need to tap not press an hold.
  92. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    Weird I had no issue editing my last post. Or this one
  93. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    The forum gives you 15 miutes max to edit
  94. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    It seems to use alot in the background. I found force closing it after use using the clear ram function in the task manager helps.
  95. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    Its a bloomin battery hog though compared to other social apps I have.
  96. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    It may be down to your os version then. Mine's on the 2.x and the pro version doesn't show up on the play store for me. I'll try my tablet later which is on 4.x and see if thats the issue.
  97. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    I think the pro edition is only availible for android tablets.
  98. OllieNZ

    Tapatalk now free on Android

    Went to buy tapatalk today and found its now free:cool:
  99. OllieNZ

    Ken Box

    Total awesomeness...... I want one.
  100. OllieNZ

    New curved Cabinet anyone?!!?

    I could imagine using it as the frame for a tank