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  1. ghostsword

    Wabi-Kuza II

    Ok.. women stockings are a good idea.. and they take long to rot under water.. I am making mine with coco material and hessian.
  2. ghostsword

    Wabi-Kuza II

    Pedro. Lovely pictures. How you making the substrate ball?
  3. ghostsword

    Mark Evans-120 x 55 x 55cm.... 'Convalescence' The joy of shrimp

    Why not add some floculant and filter floss to the filters?
  4. ghostsword

    60P IWAGUMI Mountain Scape

    Great rock work, good choice.. and lovely cabinet.. would you make cabinets to order? :) Following this post, looking forward to see it coming to life.
  5. ghostsword

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    Could you get one of those underwater cameras, attach it to a submarine and film an adventure in that landscape?
  6. ghostsword

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    Yeah, I know.. :) I have the place in the yard ready already.. :) just need to figure out a way for the criminals not jumping the fence and stealing the kit.. LOL With a tank that big, aren't you worried about the bowing? Or does it have braces?
  7. ghostsword

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    I so envy you.. so the tank is acrylic right? :) One day, when I am big, I would like to have a tank like this.. :)
  8. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125 (THE END)

    Time to change tank.. :) 90P? You know you need one.. :)
  9. ghostsword

    p@h 30cm, Dragonstone Iwagumi attempt (DSM) Now Flooded

    Superb tank.. looks really nice.. Great work..
  10. ghostsword

    by the Forest Shore (ADA 60P)

    I am a fan.. such good work.. absolutely beautiful composition.. :)
  11. ghostsword

    Mine & A Mates

    When are the tmc ones coming out? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  12. ghostsword

    10l Summer experiment

    It looks awesome.. And great tip on the glue.. Surely one to try.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  13. ghostsword

    Fun Project - Tiny 1 Ltr Windowsill Nano

    You will battle algae.. Take water away, cover with cling film and use it emersed.
  14. ghostsword

    When someone loves a scape - and we kind of mimic that

    It is an outstanding tank.. love it..
  15. ghostsword

    Barren Earth-IAPLC WIP 2013

    Smaller clouds would go better..
  16. ghostsword

    Barren Earth-IAPLC WIP 2013

    You doing the Turkish Effect.. :)
  17. ghostsword

    700 litre - Boesemani-Stan. 😁

    Your tank is an inspiration.. just amazing.. Please keep posting pictures..
  18. ghostsword

    [NANO] Double Opti White - Cherry/Sakura/White Pearl Breeding Colony

    Your tanks looks amazing.. Really good job..
  19. ghostsword

    Emersed play

    Deal.. I got to get rid of it.. £6 shipped? Posting is about £3 alone.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  20. ghostsword

    Emersed play

    Do it.. It is awesome to have emersed plants.. They flower, no algae, they grow fast and strong.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  21. ghostsword

    Emersed play

    Yes. It is also there. I dropped a couple of cuttings there and it took.. Looks like trees. :) All of that mat of moss and tripartita will be for sale soon.. Need to get rid of it.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  22. ghostsword

    Emersed play

    I just planted them, and with time they harden and grow tall and stiff. The plants were planted, kept moist and covered with clingfilm for a bit, maybe a month.. then as they grew I just removed the cling film. The emersed java fern needs to be misted every two days..
  23. ghostsword

    Micro Mountain - 8L Aquacube

    A really nice scape. Why not moss the lot? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  24. ghostsword

    Micro iwagumi

    I will take one with the tank on my hand.. :)
  25. ghostsword

    Micro iwagumi

    Maybe.. I had some snails on it.. to keep it clean..
  26. ghostsword

    Micro iwagumi

    Thanks.. moss is weeping moss.. Actually from Aquatics Live 2011.. This tank is one year old.. :)
  27. ghostsword

    Micro iwagumi

    Too small for fish.. I just do full water changes, every two days.. :)
  28. ghostsword

    Micro iwagumi

    The tank is only 20cm by 10cm by 10cm, moss and dragon stone. Micro Iwagumi 2012 - 003 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  29. ghostsword

    Emersed play

    Some more pics... Emersed Nano 2012 - 079 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Emersed Nano 2012 - 083 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Emersed Nano 2012 - 085 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  30. ghostsword

    Emersed play

    Here is a tank that I have been playing for a while. It is a optiwhite 35cm cube. The plants are all emersed: - Hygrophila Corymbosa - Java Fern - Hydrocotyle Tripartita - Weeping moss Rocks are Seryiu and wood is driftwood. Misted daily, but not covered. Substrate is ADA amazonia. Emersed...
  31. ghostsword

    IM BACK- Nature's River by Harry Robinson

    That is an awesome scape dude.. Why not lower the lighting period and get some amanos in there?
  32. ghostsword

    Japanese Balcony Rice Paddy (Final) Harvest

    Re: Japanese Balcony Rice Paddy (Part 3) Planted! Great work.. inspirational.. :)
  33. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    I got these rocks sent to me from the Azores.. they are really nice.. heavy basalt smooth stones.. :) The tank does look brighter and more open, three long pieces of wood were taken out.. :) The moss is on aluminium mesh, it will be easy to take them out , sell, or use for another rescape.
  34. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    Thanks.. I now need to shift all that moss.. :) all on pads, so will put it on ebay to get rid of it quickly..
  35. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    Some new photos.. sold the wood... :) Rocky Meadow by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  36. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    :) no, not my first scape.. Thankfully UKAPS has helped to gain the necessary knowledge.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  37. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    I like it bushy, but the moss is really taking over, soon there is no more space.. :) Also as I need to move the tank it will be rescaped, but thankfully as all plants are on rock or wood it is easy to move it around. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  38. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    Thanks.. It needs a trim.. too bushy.. :)
  39. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    Thanks.. Moss took over, so now it will have a big trim.. :) Rocky Meadow 19 sept 12 - 1 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Rocky Meadow 19 sept 12 - 2 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Got more pictures on my Flickr page..
  40. ghostsword

    Sintra - Emersed Aquascape on the garden

    In october they will come back inside.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  41. ghostsword

    Sintra - Emersed Aquascape on the garden

    The weather has been not as good as the previous years, so the plants just stagnated.. They grew a bit, but nothing rampant.. The Crypt is growing nicely emersed, so will be good to see if a flower appears.. End of September the tank is coming in the house and will get lots of light and heat...
  42. ghostsword

    IM BACK- Nature's River by Harry Robinson

    Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson (Grown in) Great looking tank, really nice and clean aquascape.. I like it..
  43. ghostsword

    Rainforest's Edge

    All good.. great scapes.. the pico is really nice..
  44. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Re: Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your h will try.. I was thinking about a pendant.. something to clip in the tank.
  45. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Re: Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your h No, have not find a light yet.. Would you have some suggestion?
  46. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    The big tank is coming along nice, the plants have not melted yet, so they are slowly adapting to life emersed. Will need to take pictures, soon..
  47. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    Go for it, easier than most think.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  48. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    Some updates, a couple of days inside the house: Jagunco do Monte by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Jagunco do Monte by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  49. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    Thanks, at least I can make use for the stand and the arcadia pendant. Now the plants should grow more, they will have heat and lots of light, putting the light up for 12 hours. I managed to get emersed Java fern going.. So very happy for that.
  50. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    Tanks was moved from outside into the home, to make space for a bigger emersed tank on the garden. On Location Emersed scapes by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  51. ghostsword

    Sintra - Emersed Aquascape on the garden

    Old Juwel 120L repurposed and placed on the garden, to try an emersed aquascape. This was my first proper tank, and have had at two scapes on IAPLC. The tank was going good, until the jbl e1500 stopped working, a close inspection lead me to see that the impeler had broken. I ordered one...
  52. ghostsword

    Schruz's Works - Wabi Kusa, Emersed setups, Planted tanks

    Re: Schruz's Works - Wabi Kusa, Emersed setups, Planted tank One of the best posts of the forum.. I am totally inspired by it. :)
  53. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    As the weather is picking up the tank took off.. A marsh, just moist substrate and open to the elements.. :) The plants are Riccia, Hairgrass, some Bacopa, a plant that when it is touched it smells like lemon (no idea what it is), and terrestrial moss and weeds on the rocks. Jagunco do Monte...
  54. ghostsword

    Newbie Aquascape (update)

    Re: Newbie Aquascape It looks nice, much more natural.. :)
  55. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Re: Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your h This is how it looks before the crop.. Floresta na Palma da Mao by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr It is small. I would like to get some light for it, still looking for something small enough to go over it.
  56. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Re: Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your h Thanks guys.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  57. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Re: Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your h An update.. taken with an iphone, however I need to better the quality. Floresta na Palma da mao by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  58. ghostsword

    Newbie Aquascape (update)

    Re: Newbie Aquascape Great journal.. Only one change, why the upright wood on the left side? I would actually drop it, making the rock the tallest structure there. Keep us posted.
  59. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    @ghostsword -- Rocky Meadow, aquascape on a 60cm optiwhite tank. http://youtu.be/rCcC_hbikWQ The details are: [AQUARIUM SIZE] W: 60 x D: 40 x H: 40 (cm) [WATER PLANTS] Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite' ; Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica' ; Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow' ; Sagittaria subulata ...
  60. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    I got a small scissor, the ones with springs. I am planing to trim soon, as the plants are reaching more than 5 cm.. But then the tops would not look right. Will try to trim one or two then replant the tops, although they might melt. Need more pics first.. :) just in case it it destroyed...
  61. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Thanks for the kind words. It will need a trim soon, dreading that time. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  62. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Thanks guys.. The good thing is that not a lot of space is needed for this. I am now planing to do a light for this, solar powered if possible, or battery powered. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  63. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Thanks.. It is a very easy thing to maintain. The moss may need a trim, but I like the wild look. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  64. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Re: Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your h Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  65. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    On a window sill. The tank is about 20cm by 5cm by 10cm deep. It is a Uniclo acrylic box, the box cost £3 I think. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  66. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    No, did not enter it.. Been busy with work traveling so the tanks are a bit neglected.. I am a big fan of diego, I got another small tank that takes inspiration on his "Lemuria Parca" big tank, slightly smaller than this one. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  67. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    Thanks.. I took a gamble with this.. The moss I chopped it up, a La Amano. Then mixed sand and amazonia. Added the rocks and placed the moss paste on top. It took the best part of three months to grow. The hard was finding the right plants to look like trees. I tried a number of them, but only...
  68. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    A micro emersed scape. Rocks are dragon rock. Plants are weeping moss, myriophyllum brasiliensis, and some HC at the back. The tank is 3 months old. The inspiration is from a great aquascaper called Diego Sandoval, who is in my opinion one of the best micro scapers there is. As I like...
  69. ghostsword

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    It is really good to just sit and watch the fish dart in and our of the jungle.. Galaxy rasboras are funny fish..
  70. ghostsword

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    I will add better pics later at the weekend, and upload using flickr, as the tapatalk upload is a bit messed up.
  71. ghostsword

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    The cubes are easy to manage and very easy to maintain, so a good choice.
  72. ghostsword

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    I got 6 tanks, all scaped. :) This tank is a mess of moss and anubias, with some ferns on it. :) very relaxing to look at it, as it is very low light and easy going. Today while changing water I saw the really small fry, saw maybe 4 fry with blue eyes, way smaller than the guppy fry. Never...
  73. ghostsword

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  74. ghostsword

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    The tank is a 35cm cube, optiwhite. The light is a TMC Led 200, par 10 at substrate. Substrate is denerlle shrimp gravel. Plants are: - pelia - weeping moss - needle java fern - anubia nana - anubia petite - anubia minima Hardscape are garden rocks and manzanita. It has some guppy fry, 5...
  75. ghostsword

    Barb Island. its all over.

    90x75x45 optiwhite. update. Looks awesome! Magazine quality!! :) very impressed. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  76. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    A video... :) still slow going, hopefully now with the good weather I can move forward. http://youtu.be/YcsSqlvs39Y
  77. ghostsword


    I never succeed is with iwagumi's, I always end up doing jungles.. :) Need to keep to the plan.. I would love to know how the pro's do it..
  78. ghostsword


    Here's to the next.. :)
  79. ghostsword


    I actually like the journey more than the arrival.. :) I am thinking about a iwagumi, I never managed to get one done, will replace the rocks, and try just hairgrass, with some crypts at the back, completely open space. Will be a challenge, but will try my best to get it done.
  80. ghostsword


    Thanks.. :) This is the last picture before taking down.. mosanto-IAPLC 201242 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  81. ghostsword


    Another video.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  82. ghostsword


    Thanks mate.. I am enjoying the tank, however soon it will come down, lots more ideas to try out.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  83. ghostsword


    Will do one, need to take pictures anyway for iaplc.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  84. ghostsword


    Hi.. Thanks for the comments. The tank has 6 hours of light from a tmc led. Then it has two hours of two 24w lights. One at the bottom and another at the top on the back. This keeps the plants in the back bushy and green all the way to the bottom. 50% water change with RO. Elos ferts, and...
  85. ghostsword


    An update. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_hXRlxj ... ata_player ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  86. ghostsword

    Schruz's Works - Wabi Kusa, Emersed setups, Planted tanks

    I really like your wabis, great fan of your work. The lights you have are really nice, but I cannot find them in the UK.. Will need to visit the shop and pick some up.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  87. ghostsword

    UG - Utricularia graminifolia

    Thanks, will increase the lighting period.. will be interesting to see how it develops..
  88. ghostsword

    UG - Utricularia graminifolia

    I am just giving the UG 4 hours of light a day, need to measure the par. Slow grower, but not dead. ;) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  89. ghostsword

    UG - Utricularia graminifolia

    Nice... Maybe I am not giving enough light.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  90. ghostsword

    UG - Utricularia graminifolia

    I got it emersed on the siting room. Not dying but not a weed either. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  91. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    Thanks Gavin.. It is only with trial and error that we move forward. :) The tank is planted and the co2 is on, 24/7. I am using welders bottles, 500grams, should last me a month per bottle. Once the plants are established and the water level drops we should see if the experiment paid off or...
  92. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    I have been putting emersed plants on the garden for two years running now. :) I would like to run a wire outside for a filter, but too much effort really, so I will stick with just plants. Otherwise I would move the majority of my tanks outside. If you have space, a plug and a tank to play...
  93. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    I am getting the plants today, so will either be HC or Hairgrass, I am more interested in Hairgrass, would be great to see a bush with just a the rocks poking out in the middle, maybe add some bonsai trees to it and make an africa landscape with a toy cheetah on top. I can use blad cypress...
  94. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    nopes... Been living in the UK for 16 years and it barely gets any sun. :) I live in london. :) These plants are from the tropics, hairgrass is found all over africa, lileaopis found all over below the equator also, add marsilea and HC, and you telling me that there is more sun here than where...
  95. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    I always wanted to do this, a small pond with small fish.. Maybe danios or even guppies.. But would have to be raised with clear sides, to see them. :) My issue in the UK is not the heat, but the cold. :) the frost would kill most plants, never had issues with heat...
  96. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    :) Radik do you think that I did not have a tank out on the garden, on the sun? :) Had daphnia on it, it was algae free. Ok, no co2 or ferts, but it was clean as a whistle. I used it as a bug farm. :) Also I would be happy if the weather in london gets hot enough to kill all the plants...
  97. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    Thanks, will have it on full sun!! :) Basically I want to test the theory that if we have enough co2 and ferts the plants will do well. :) If it gets full of algae then I let the water level drop, and let it stay emersed. The water level should drop in about one week. Getting about 10 pots...
  98. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    :) Yep, but to start I need to have as much humidity as possible, and I need to dose as much CO2 I can to get it started, once the plants emerse they are fine. )
  99. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    What Filter? No filter here.. The water will eventually just be about 10cm, enough to cover the plants, imagine a mini swamp. The CO2 is just for the beginning, to get the plants established. I realised that today is Thursday, so I will be buying some plants from ADC in London, good Tropica...
  100. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    I will add CO2 to the shallow tank, for two reasons.. 1 - CO2 is cheap, I will use 500gram welding CO2, very cheap. If it gets expensive I will just use a FE. 2 - With the unlimited light I need the plants to have as much as they can get to grow, and the water being 10 cm deep some parts will...