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  1. ghostsword

    Adrie Baumann and Ian Holdich scape

    The list of layouts, in English, is here: Tropica Aquarium Plants - Layouts Great scape all around.. really good source for scapes.. Maybe tropica could release their all collection in a booklet with some advice.. top page indeed..
  2. ghostsword

    Low-light, Hi-tech planted tank

    Inspirational.. what an amazing tank..:)
  3. ghostsword

    Forest of "Congo"

    Re: Forest of Looks amazing ... :)
  4. ghostsword

    Mark Evans IAPLC rank 137

    It is an amazing scape, and with so much detail.. Well done Mark..
  5. ghostsword

    A few 'blue' shots

    The gouramis do grow quite large, I've had them at almost 15 cm some years ago. A shot with the lot lined up as in a shoal would be amazing. ___________________________
  6. ghostsword

    36cm - Sheltering (IAPLC 2011)

    Yep, very natural looking. I always like your scapes, very refreshing and strong, with flowing lines and full of purpose. Great layout. .
  7. ghostsword

    Nelsons IAPLC entry 2011

    Yep, great depth, looks like it is going on forever. How do you achieve the background?
  8. ghostsword

    'Prairie Lands' IAPLC entry.

    A great scape, not a boring iwagumi ! Well deserved, great scape. .
  9. ghostsword

    iaplc entry chilled84 400 from last

    Lol! Then 400 from last is not so bad! .
  10. ghostsword

    120cm - George of the Jungle pg.5 new pics

    Oddly enough I did not see chaos, only detail and texture. :) Loved this tank.
  11. ghostsword

    120cm - George of the Jungle pg.5 new pics

    The tropica plants may slightly more expensive, but you get what you pay for, tropica plants will be in great condition, well nourished, and you will have a very good start on your tank. :) Usually the fault is at the retailer side, when they get the plants and do not know how to keep them in...
  12. ghostsword

    120cm - George of the Jungle pg.5 new pics

    Re: 120cm - George of the Jungle :) The work I am doing is for the primary school, year 3.. :) Get them young into tanks I say. :)
  13. ghostsword

    120cm - George of the Jungle pg.5 new pics

    Re: 120cm - George of the Jungle I am showing the kids the UKAPS site and the articles. The Biotopes are indeed the way forward, and the kids are now comparing their pink tanks and how the biotopes are, and they are very interested on the biotopes. Had a couple of issues with the Biology...
  14. ghostsword

    120cm - George of the Jungle pg.5 new pics

    Re: 120cm - George of the Jungle It was just my bad luck that when I bought the magazine it was mostly about fish. :) I am aware of the articles on the pfk website, the kids at school are now looking at your biotopes, as they are learning about habitats. They even setup a clearseal tank with...
  15. ghostsword

    120cm - George of the Jungle pg.5 new pics

    Re: 120cm - George of the Jungle Great scape, I am a fan of jungles.. :) Pinnatifida looks grown in, with the submerged leaves already, and the plants super healthy. It is really good that PFK is doing more aquascaping related work, I have purchased the last two magazines, and may even...
  16. ghostsword

    Some of my tanks - Octopus

    I am in awe. Do you have a shop, or is this just for private pleasure? :) It has to be way better than most shops I have seen, most aquariums I have been at and what I would be able to one day see with my own eyes. It is truly spectacular.
  17. ghostsword


    I am just using plain black gravel, nothing fancy. The crypt is growing and sending runners.
  18. ghostsword

    Dymax IQ3 Aquascape

    Looks really good. I got one as well, but without CO2 and just with two leds and not heated. Search for Backwater, as I do not want to hijack the thread. :)
  19. ghostsword


    The tank is a nano acrylic, named Betta Biotope in the UK. It has a Cryptocorine wenditti that has remained very small, Tenellus, Christmas moss, Lileaopsis Brasiliensis, Marsilea Hirsuta and some Pellia. The tank has a 10% water change/top up from the main tank, so it gets the nutrients and...
  20. ghostsword

    Super Shallow Iwagumi

    I am for sure buying this month PFK, just for this scape. It will be great to keep as a reference and inspiration. Regarding glassware I am always so scared of it, as I am so clumsy I can always see myself and breaking one on my hands.
  21. ghostsword

    Super Shallow Iwagumi

    It is a fantastic scape. I always find Iwagumi's boring, but this one looks really good, and because it is shallow I can just imagine a river. If some of the rocks were coming of the water, it would look even better, maybe with some ferns on top. Good work George.
  22. ghostsword

    UKAPS Members' IAPLC 2010 Showcase

    You tank is very inspirational, dude, really good layout.
  23. ghostsword

    Betta Nano Cube from J&K

    That would be a good idea. :) Will look for it. What I found about the tank is that 20cm square is limited to what I can plant on it, and floor space is limited. I had a rock on it, but was taking too much space, so I took it out. I was expecting the tenellus to spread out, but it is being...
  24. ghostsword

    Betta Nano Cube from J&K

    The nerites disapeared, maybe the water is too acid. :( Got two or three Cherry Shrimp on it.
  25. ghostsword

    UKAPS Members' IAPLC 2010 Showcase

    Thanks.. I found out that keeping plants is the easy part of the hobby, but aquascaping is a learning process, and a steep learning curve for me. It's not easy. :) So when people see some of the amazing tanks here, they may think that it is just a bunch of plants on a certain location, a couple...
  26. ghostsword

    UKAPS Members' IAPLC 2010 Showcase

    After seeing such nice tanks I am almost embarased for posting mine, it wasn't last at least! .. :) but here it goes: [LAYOUT TITLE] Green Starter [AQUARIUM SIZE] W: 20 x D: 20 x H: 20 (cm) Dymax Acrylic [WATER PLANTS] - Hydrocotyle Verticillata - Staurogyne sp. - Elocharis acicularis -...
  27. ghostsword

    Rivage from Portugal

    Welcome.. Lovely grow, and the plants look really healthy. Where are you from in Portugal? I am from Lisbon.
  28. ghostsword

    From This to This!!!

    From This: To this:
  29. ghostsword

    Betta Nano Cube from J&K

    Thanks.. So I could tilt the wood into the scape, meaning into the right? The light is pretty good, I got two of them. I dose EI, 90% WC weekly, and dose 1ml of Easycarbo daily. Only four nerites on it now. What is hard for me is to find some plants for it. I was thinking about...
  30. ghostsword

    Betta Nano Cube from J&K

    The tank now, with only four Fresh Water spotted Nerites on it: It has Crypto parva, hairgrass, Marsilea H, some strands of Lileaopsis B and Fontinalis.
  31. ghostsword

    Where do you have yours?

    Didn't know one could keep a octopus on a tank at home.. Must have been pretty amazing..
  32. ghostsword

    Aquascapes 2003 to present

    Re: Seven years of 'scaping - updated Feb '10 Thanks George, It is for sure an amazing looking scape, so clean and green.. :) Let's see if EI does the same for my Fern. :) ~Thanks for the reply.
  33. ghostsword

    Aquascapes 2003 to present

    Re: Seven years of 'scaping - updated Feb '10 Seen some of your work at PKF.. :) the white cloud minow is just amazing. Now the boring questions, if you don't mind. How do you keep you "mother Microsorium" so healthy looking? And on Dutch Flavour, what is the name of the red plant on the top...